Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Háskóli Íslands - University of Iceland
Study programme: Medicine
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Autumn and spring semester 2012/2013
Name: María Isabel Smáradóttir
Email address:

Arrival and registration

The introduction day at KI was long and full of information but you also got a map so it was really handy when you needed to refresh your memory on something important.


I applied for housing at the UAC and got a room at Jagargatan.  I really liked the placement of the house (so close to everything) and at a really fair price.  The internet could how ever have been better and the kitchen-equipments should be more up to date and more of them but all in all, a good place to live in when you are on the exchange programme.
Vårt Gothamhus på N State.

Leisure time and social activities

I did not attent to many social activities as it was alot to do at school but from what I have heard (from kids living at the same place as me), it was good social life!  I made a couple of Swedish friends from the class.
Även om baseballmatchen på Wrigley Field höll på att regna bort var det nästan lika trevligt att sitta och titta på blixtarna och hur de försökte rädda planen från regnet.


There are acouple of reasons for why I chose to go to KI in Stockholm, Sweden as a exchange student.  As an example, it was because KI is really up to date in the Medicine world and world-known and also because I wanted to live in Stockholm.

The exchange information given by KI was really good and a big plus is that it was easy to get intouch with the people in charge of the exchange students if you needed help or was wondering about something.

Courses during the exchange period

D3XX02 : Desease and Illness 1
This course started off kinda interestingly with a introduction day that was a bit off. But over-all, it was a good course with a lot of seminars and chances for us students to analyse the problem and figure out the solution together with good help from great teachers!
D4XX01 : Disease and Ilness 2
This course was by far the favourite as it involved a lot of pasient contact and close interaction. Here, the big class was devided into many small ones wich gave us the oppurtunity to develop as medicinestudents!


I love my stay at KI!  It was beyond my expectations as a school and Stockholm is a wonderful city to live in!  I highly recommend this place for exchange programme! :D

Language and Culture

No, I did not participate in any Swedisch language courses as I am half swedish.

Studies in general

For the 9 months that I was at KI, I found that the Swedish study environment is at a high level.  Everything is thought off and the teachers were really helpfull and really eager to make us understand the subject.  You will feel really welcome here as you are respected as a student and recieve a bunch of usefull extramaterial to learn the subject as well as possible.