The good thing about Swedish study environment is the
English teaching medium.The teachers and everybody at the clinic speak English
fluently, even those that couldn’t, know well enough to communicate and
understand what we’re saying. The other thing is the teacher student hierarchy
is not observed in KI. The teachers interact with us like a friend, they hear
our ideas, questions and explain to us. The teachers share every thing they
know about the subject,and teach us from the experience.The instructors were I
think one of the best from the country even from the world,they were full of
experiences and were very specialized.Which was very helpful. The midwives and
nurses we met at the clinic were very eager to help us in any problems we
face.As my field requires more privacy for the patient,some patients didn’t
allow me to enter the room they are examined under. But most of them allowed me
to see examinations and practice under supervison on them. The teachers and
midwives helped in translation when the patients had trouble speaking
English.So my relations with the patients was good though faced with some
problems.The hospital I stayed was staffed very well regarding personell and machines.
I was able to see operations that I couldn’t see at my home. The patient
care,the cleanliness was one that I
can't pass mentioning. For me knowledge
wasn’t the only thing that I gained from KI, rather the ethical aspect of Patient Physician relationship. As
I am living in a developing country comparison to a first world country like
Sweden is a little difficult.The intricate instruments and machines they have
at KI,the openness between teachers and students, and the proportion of the
students to the hospitals we are assigned are
the major differences. The subject matter and the cases I meet are more or less the same between my home university and the
KI, which makes it important as I am going to practice in my county. Saying
this, things that could be improved I suggest are, it might be beneficial if the
Swedish students learn together with the exchange students. Because of the
importance of sharing information and experiences between eachother.