Exchange report - incoming students
Praktikens sista bebis
Home university: Barts & The London School of Medicine & Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London
Study programme: Dentistry
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2012/2013
Name: Abdinasir Mohamed
Email address:

Arrival and registration

The pick up service is very useful and I would encourage you to make use of it. If you're lucky you could meet lifelong friends on the journey to your accomodation! 

The introduction day gives you the chance to meet fellow Erasmus students from around the world. It also serves to give you an introduction into Swedish culture and most importantly. Fika! (A very welcome discovery). 
Ugandas röda jord


Much is said of the accommodation situation in Stockholm but ours (Pax) was fantastic. You had your own bathroom and a shared kitchen which doubled as a common room. The corridor environment meant that you had students on Masters and PhD programmes living with you which personally I didn't mind as it meant I made friends all over the world. 

The accommodation was in a location which was a convenient 10 minutes metro train from the city centre but a 45 mins journey from the Huddinge campus. While the Jagagartan halls are closer, it's still a 35 mins journey to campus. 

The drawback I would identify is the deposit system, there should be an inspection before you vacate the room rather than when you are back in your home country as any issues that arise are very difficult to sort out once you've left. 
Ett journalarkiv på Mulago

Leisure time and social activities

The introduction events set up by the student's union (MF) such as Amphiox were thoroughly enjoyable. The dental society (OF) in Huddinge's legendary dinners (sittning) and Friday pubs were also a lot of fun. The Swedish students were very welcoming and friendly. 

Events were organized by the International committee of OF as well as Global Friends who included everyone via email. 



I missed out on an opportunity to study abroad before and was adamant I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice and 'm so glad I didn't. KI is renowned and furthermore it came highly recommended by friend's who had taken part in the exchange programme previously. 

The International coordinator was amazing and we had numerous emails replied to within a matter of hours sometimes. The application process was smooth and very well organised, Very Swedish you could say.

No certificates or vaccinations were needed. 
Dottern till en av barnmorskorna från Mulago

Courses during the exchange period

ETL001 : Comprehensive Care - with subject specific courses
The layout of the clinic is according to specialty, with prosthodontics being separate from restorative and endodontics separate still. This allowed continuity of tutors and ensured time was saved in treatment. However, the initial screening appointment was unnecessarily long winded with data entry duplication on the system and on paper being very bureaucratic. I vastly enjoyed my time on the clinic, the staff were very helpful and I learnt new techniques and had the opportunity to do some procedures I hadn't yet done back in England. Which meant I was slightly ahead of my peers when I went back home.
ETL002 : Child and Adolescent Dentistry - Odontology
Paediatrics and Orthodontics are usually taught together similar to teaching back in London. Paeds however includes up to the age of 19 in Sweden. The materials available are amazing, the scope of available treatments vast and the staff are very knowledgeable.
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I have no regrets in choosing to spend 3 months of my life in Stockholm and at KI. I only wish it was for a longer period. I have made some amazing memories and have met a lot of great friends. Every aspect of the experience was enriching from an education, personal and social viewpoint.
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Language and Culture

I did take part in a couple of lessons of the Swedish course offered by KI. Our teacher was very nice but the organisation of it this year was poor. Sessions were cancelled and not rescheduled (although I doubt rescheduling would have been possible with our time constraints). Considering this was the first year it was charged, it wasn't very productive. 

I seem to have picked up quite a bit from the metro (T-bana) and my Swedish friends. 
Traditionell dans

Studies in general

I loved the laid back, non authoritarian  atmosphere of clinics in Sweden. It makes a change from the Dr and Professor you have back in London. The facilities are state of the art and the timetable very well organised.