A medical student from KI pickup service welcomed at the railway station at Stockholm T-central. He showed me the way to my corridor room and told me where to go shopping what I needed. This really made me feel safe on my first day in Stockholm. At the introduction day we were provided with all necessary information about our stay and studies at KI. After the practical information and showing around campus, there were some social activities at the MF Pub. But I think KI could have done more in order for people to get to know each other better. More social activities would have been nice.
I stayed at Strix, close to Pax at Västra Skogen. Before Ki informed me that they had arranged accommodation for me, I tried to look myself and it is very hard to find something in Stockholm. So I am really happy that KI provided me with a room. Although I did not like to stay at Strix. My neighbours were very anti-social and everyone was from Asian countries. All my fellow exchange students were hosted at Pax, so I was quite sad that I had not been given a room close to them. But hey, I did not know that most exchange students live at Pax when I prioritized housing, because nobody told me.
I participated in several activities arranged by Global Friends, MF and KI. Climbing, Amphiox, bowling, latin night etc. They really did a lot to arrange different things for the students and they did it well. It never costed a lot of money and a lot of people always participated. All information was given by e-mail and they were very friendly in answering questions.
I made one really good Swedish friend outside of KI. This was by participating in activities arranged by Stockholm University.
I decided to apply for exchange because my masters studies at home were becoming quite anti-social and The University of South Denmark encourages students to apply for exchange. I also wanted my studies to have an international twist and I wanted to study in a country with a high level in English and education.
At KI's homepage a lot of information was given and it was possible to see last year's syllabus.Before arriving at Karolinska I had a lot of questions about my stay which I directed to the international coordinators. They were very helpful and answered my e-mails pretty fast. Overall this process was not so though, but of course when applying for exchange there is a lot of things you need to do.
4FH053 : HEPM-Basic Epidemiology and Statistics 1
Short and good course. Great teacher and a very easy course to attend.
4FH054 : HEPM-Health outcomes measurement
Very enthusiastic teacher and the course was very interesting. In the end I had learned a lot.
4FH055 : HEPM-Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes
Poor teacher who did not acknowledge that not all of the student has an economical background. I seriously considered skipping this course during my stay!
4FH056 : HEPM-Health and Medical Care Management
Good teachers with a lot of different ways of teaching. A lot of group work and practical exercises.
Overall I really enjoyed studying at KI and living in Stockholm. In general Stockholm is such a wonderful city and the people are very friendly and helpful. Of course to me, it was a lot like home, but I have learned a lot during my stay. The only thing I did not like was the fact that I did not know that most exchange students live at Pax when I prioritized housing, so I ended up living alone or with phds/postdocs etc.
Ki is a great university. Go for it!
I participated in only English courses. And Swedish teachers have a very high level of English, so I had no problems. I would have loved to participate in a Swedish language course, but was not allowed by KI because I am Danish. I just would like to add that Swedish people do not understand Danish, so it would have helped me in my everyday life in Stockholm and maybe given me more social relations.
KI is a wonderful university. The buildings are new and there is a very nice atmosphere. The information desk at the entrance could help you with everything you needed to know about KI. The teachers are very down to earth like I am used to from Denmark and you could easily ask critical questions. I was in a class with 20 different nationalities, but the teachers seemed to make it work anyway and integrate everyone. The level of education was high and we were provided with a lot of books/articles to read in our spare time which is the same 'model' used at Danish universities. Overall these 4 courses provided me with more knowledge about management and design of health systems and made my non-existing knowledge about health economics exist.