Exchange report - incoming students
Nova South Eastern University
Home university:
Università Degli Studi di Milano
Study programme:
Exchange programme:
Spring semester 2012/2013
Maria Vittoria De Donno
Email address:
Arrival and registration
really happy with the pick up service
I didn't find the common areas cleaned enough.
I suggest to introduce dish washers in the kitchens beacause of the different idea of cleaning of different cultures
Leisure time and social activities
I would have liked to hang out and meet Swedish people to realize better the real swedish life
I wanted to do an exchange period abroad to know a different reality
Courses during the exchange period
2EE066 : MAS-Biomedical project for exchange students
Mine was a reserch project for my master thesis. I was really pleased about it
I am really happy to have chosen Stcockholm and KI for my experience, I would recommend it to everyone
Language and Culture
I think 3 hours per day are too much
Studies in general
Karolinska intitutet was the best choice,good people, good environment