I think this was informative and fun arrangements. All the new KI exchange-students were gathered for some days, not only the ones who where in the same program. In addition to taking care of practical arrangements, like MRSA-testing, student-cards and tour of the campus, we participated in some interesting lectures on different cultures and what to do in Sweden. Also social arrangements in the evenings.
I did not get to move into my student accomodation before the first day
of my actual lectures started. The international week and introduction
day was the week before that, wich ment I had to stay in a hotel the
first days. I found this to be not acceptable, as I think it is obvious
that one would like to particpiate in the introduction days as well, and
should get your accomodation from this day. With a tight student-budget, a hotel is not what you want to spend you're money on.
Other than that I was very satisfied with my housing arrangements. I applied through UAC, as I found this to be the most cheap and easy way. I stayed in PAX, at Västra Skogen. The standard was good, with a good size of the rooms and your own bathroom. The price was also good, especially compared with private renting. Kitchen was shared between 11 people, but this worked out fine and made the housing more social. We were only international KI-students in my corridor, and we had a lot of fun togehter during the semester.
I participated in some social arrangements during the introduction week, a climbing-course and also some parties during the semester. Throughout the semester different trips, sport-activities and other social happenings were arranged. The information on this was good. We got e-mails, posters with information hung on information-boards and we had an exchange-student facebook-group. It was easier to get to know the other exchange-students than the swedish. But I made some swedish friends, and mostly everyone were friendly and helpful with whatever questions you may have.
I chose to go on exchange to get some change and new input. In a social way, by meeting new people. But also by proffesional by participating in a different university with other methods of learning and organisation of the practical work. My impression was that KI is a university and hospital with long traditions in research and teaching, and other students recommended this university. Also, beeing from Norway, I expected the education to be of much use in the clinical work back home.
I think I got good information prior to departure, both from the exchange-coordinator at my home university and KI. Several information-meetings where arranged at my home university. But especially from KI, the secretary in the clinical department was very informative and send personal e-mails with everything I needed to know, and my personal schedule. She helped me fix as much as possible of the practical stuff prior to arrival.
I didn't need any vaccinations or other certificates.
D10X01 : Clinical medicine-emphasis on reproduction and development
The course started with a week of genetics, with both case-based teaching and lectures.
After that twe were devided in two, and half the class started with pediatrics, the other half with gynecology and obstetrics. The first week of each of these courses were lectures, and also we had a little theoretical test. I found this to be a good arrangement, as you had a good theoretical base for the following clinical education. The next weeks consisted of clinical rotations from monday-thursday, every week we switched wards. On fridays we mainly had lectures or case-based seminars. I found the theoretical educations to be relevant for the clinical teaching, especially the case-based seminars.
I would recommend a semester as an exchange student at KI. I exclusively had an educational, fun and exciting time, both proffesional and social.
I participated in the swedish part of the course, since I am norwegian. I did not need any language course. Some of the lectures were in english, and KI offered an english speaking course for the non-swedish-speaking students. It is an advantage however to know some swedish when you're in the clinical rotations, and my opinion was that most of the non-swedish-speaking students participated in swedish language-courses.
The study-environment in general I think was good. The swedish students were mostly nice, helpful and easy to talk to.The teachers and supervisors were very good qualified. Also they were easy to ask questions and allways well prepared. On the clinical rotations you got a lot of one-to-one teaching and my impression is that everone treated you as a colleague.
The semester was split in two different parts, and in the beginning of each we had a week of introduction-lectures in the subjects. And also a little written test. This helped you to have a better theoretical base before the clinical education started, and I found the lectures very useful and relevant.
I found it to be more cinical education then I was used to from back home, and I think this was exclusively positive. Also the organisation with a lot of one-to-one teaching and that you got to work very independently in the wards was educational.
We also had afternoons of case-based teaching. I found this to be very useful, but we didn't have a lot of time for going trough these cases, maybe this could be arranged in a different way.
I found the exams (one written, one OSCE and one oral) relevant and a good summary of everything we had learned. Espescially the OSCE was fun, were you got to do some of the practical things you had learned during the semester. We had some theoretical questions in the OSCE as well, these could have been replaced with even more practical skills.