Exchange report - incoming students
Stranden Scheveningen utanför Haag i början av terminen
Home university: Hanoi Medical University
Study programme: Medicine
Exchange programme: INK
Semester: Autumn semester 2012/2013
Name: Tung Pham Thanh
Email address:

Arrival and registration

After a very long flight, finally we made it to Stockholm. The chill wind here remind me about my hometown in the winter. This is my first time going abroad and everything look so new, so different. When we arrived at the city center, our host student has already waited us there. He is very nice, he took us to our accommodation, helped us with our packet and so us how the public transport work in Stockholm. The city is very beautiful and we were very excited to leave home and went arround Stockholm.
Alla Hollands vattendrag attraherar många olika fågelarter. Denna fågel ser man relativt ofta stå och leta mat runt kanalerna.


We lived at Pax, and our housing arranement was made by the UAC. It was very nice when i know that we would have to queue for a very long time to get a change to live here but the UAC take care that for us. The room, the kitchen and everything were so great. Other students in my dorm are also very friendly
I början av terminen var vädret väldigt soligt och skönt. Då kunde man besöka många av Leidens cafeer med uteserveringar som ligger belägna precis bredvid kanalerna.

Leisure time and social activities

I was very sad that many interesting activities host by Global friends was carried out after we leave Sweden in November

I think there should be more activities for exchange students at the begining of the Autumn semester

Detta är St Nicholas som kommer varje år runt den 5 december. Det är en mycket stor högtid i Holland, speciellt för barnen.


My country, Viet Nam, is a developing country. Our healthcare system is still under contruction and struggling between private healthcare or a strong public healthcare (like Sweden). Despite that my major is general practitioner, I always want to make Vietnam a better place, especially a better healthcare system. So the first time i heard about KI and HMU exchange program, i take my change and apply. Sweden is famous for the best welfare policy, especially healthcare policy, so i think going to Sweden would give me a vision how a good healthcare system work. Further more i was impressed that KI is the home of the medicine and physiology Nobel prize, the greatest prize in our field. When i was inform that i was accepted, i was very very excited that my dream has come true  
Familj på besök i Amsterdam

Courses during the exchange period

ELAX16 : Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Obstetrics and Gynaecology was very great. We had some theoretical class before get in clinical rotation. It really helped me a lot to understand the concept of obstetrics and gynaecology. After that we had 1 seminar every week, and we discuss a lot of problems form clinical to medical ethics. With feedback from both students and teachers, the knowledge was less "boring" than reading in the book and i had learned not only from the books, the teachers but also my friends. The teacher was very thoughtful, they filled the slide with image and video to help us understand the problems, and some of them asked us to prepare our own slide for the seminar. When prepare the slide, we had to read a lot and there fore learned a lot from it.
En klassisk syn i Holland. Cyklar som står uppradade längs kanalerna.


It was my dream to go to KI for years. After arrived at Stockholm, i realized that it is so much better than i expect. I have learned so much from Sweden. If i got a change, i would extend my study period here to stay longer
Holland har många magnifika byggnader. Denna kan ses i Haag.

Language and Culture

I did not participate in the class because i did not meet the requirement (22.5 credit)

I think that the course should be available to all exchange students to undersatnd more about Sweden

Varje lördag är det marknad i Leiden. De säljer allt ifrån gamla kläder till frukt och nötter. Det är väldigt mysigt att strosa runt där på lördagsmorgnar och fynda billig och färsk mat!

Studies in general

I was ver impressed by the hospital in Sweden, it was very beautiful and all the staffs are very friendly to us. On a typical day, we go with 2 doctor, one in the morning and another doctor in the afternoon. All the doctors are very good in their clinical skill and also very nice to students. I can ask whatever i don't understand and they are always answer me with all of their knowledge. Our supervisor helped us a lot in studying. She met us at least once a week to see if we have anyproblem and discuss come clinical cases with us. I never have a change to study in such good enviroment like this before and i have learned so much from it 

Utöver studierna finns det många intressanta museum att besöka, främst i Amsterdam. På denna bild hittar du museumet 'Mauritshuis', där man kan se tavlan "Flickan med pärlörhänge".