Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Hanoi Medical University
Study programme: Medicine
Exchange programme: INK
Semester: Autumn semester 2012/2013
Name: Linh Bui Phuong
Email address:

Arrival and registration

I was impressed by the KI pick up service when receiving their email asking me whether I needed a student to guide me at the time of arrival. Such a warmly welcome Swede offered to me. The student who picked me up was really nice and careful.


The introduction week was also exciting with a pool of practical information about curriculums, libraries, especially talk of an Australian lecturer, etc. I love libary card the most and KI bag came the second. 


The finding of MRSA testing office was a little bit confused but all other procedures were good. Fortunately I came early enough so it took me a few minutes to provide my sample instead of queuing up in a long line.



My application for a dormitory room in Pax ran smoothly thanks to UAC so that I received the rent contract two months before my arrival to Sweden.

I was satisfied with my adequately equipped room and the shared kitchen where I had chance to meet and talk to my neighbourhoods. A comment about the out of order microwave is that although I told the checker of the building directly when I arrived, the machine was in the same condition until I left.

Leisure time and social activities

I attended almost the first course of the learning year. There were a few activities organized by MF but they did not fit my timetable while Global Friends hardly held any event as I remembered.

However I could easily get access to the website of those two groups to follow up coming events and feel the friendliness and enthusiasm of Swedish friends. In regard to making Swedish friends, I hope that some medical students at Danderyds hospital will remember me :).


As a student coming from a developing country, I am continuously eager to get to know more about the educational environment of developed countries to expand on my vision. Therefore, short-term exchanges to universities of those nations definitely meet my demand.


According to the agreement between Karolinska Institutet and Hanoi Medcal University in Vietnam, the exchange program for medical students has been set up for over 10 years. It is such an excellent opportunity to experience the medical curriculum in KI which is the best medical school in Sweden.


I really appreciate the enthusiasm of both coordinators of the two universities by virtue of providing me with the updated information about the selecting process as fast as they can as well as willing to answer all my questions.

Also the website of KI has produced a lot of essential information and helpful advice that support me with preparation for the exchange. Maybe because of the first time I have been in another country, the administrative procedure required was quite overloaded to me.


I was not required to have any vaccination or present any certificate.

Courses during the exchange period

ELAX16 : Obstetrics and Gynaecology
I only could manage time to participate in Obstetric and Gynaecology rotation course. In term of learning at class, it is likely that the curriculum for exchange students is lighter than that for local students. We have just learned theoretic lessons for one week and carried out 5 seminars later. Furthermore we did not need to take any exam. I love the seminars, especially the first one in which the teacher told us to prepare slides to present the contents of the to-be-discussed topic. This helped me understand and remember knowledge longer.I also felt excited to discuss my clinical problems and academic wonders also with my supervisor also a professor about once a week. It should be refered to next exchange students if their supervisors ccould manage time to have a talk. In clinical rotation, the toughest barrier I had to coped with was language. Patients preferred talking in Swedish than in English. Also the medical records were written in the major language of Sweden. I was not aware of this challenge, so I did not apply for any language class for foreign students at KI. Anyway, very kind doctors and nurses had translated records partially for me to know the general situation of patients. I was extremely greatful for their patience and effort spent for me. I personally think that all foreigner students should take the Swedish course, not only for students learning more than 12 ECTS. Individual project was another interesting section of the course that I really enjoyed. It was the first time I read scientific papers, got exposed to evidence-based medicine, writing a small abstract of my own project. It took a great amount of time to choose which topic to deepen in. What an exctiting work to a student!


From the bottom of my heart, I want to send lots of thanks to Swedish for the strong inspiration you give to me during 10 weeks of my residence. In the must-be consequence, my educational perception has changed profoundly, which produces to a cutting-point in my learning furture plan. I am eager to go back to Vietnam and share my experience with my friends to awake them from  a deep sleep in the bottom of our well.

I will definitely revisit this far-to-the North fairyland for sure.

Language and Culture

I regret not taking any language course. Certainly next time I will learn Swedish.

Studies in general

It is actually lucky for me to be almost considered as a Swedish medical student, as a result I was provided all the best support to extend and explore my capacities. I think that I should have enjoyed one of the most inspring learning environment in the world. There are lots of advantage aspects I desire to point out.


Firstly, it comes to the arrangement of curriculum that theory goes before practice. It is possible that this consistent setting is compulsory in KI for students due to the logic of learning and work. However in Vietnam, we often learn at hospital in mornings and go to school for theoritic classes at afternoons. After undergoing both two types of method, I undoubtedly prefer KI's. In spite of the fact that it may be overloaded to receive a great deal of knowledge in a few day, full preparation for student prior to clinic is more important. Then I deciced to change my leaning method when returning to Vietnam.


Secondly, it is the clinical study with one or two doctors each day at the hospital. This guidance is nealy impossible to medical students in my country due to the imbalance between the number of qualified doctors and learners.


In the third place, I long for expressing my admiration to my teachers and supervisor who cealessly encouraged me as well as my friends in exchange class to learn actively, managing lunch time to answer my academic questions and taking care of our health. Thanks to healthcare staffs at the hospital are essential by dint of their outstanding support and friendly smiles to comfort my confusion sometimes.


I really love to prepare presentations in seminars. It would be great if the teachers asked us to present more, which is likely to force us to prepare the discussion more carefully.