I applied for an housing through the University Accomodation Center. The standard at Pax was quite good, and I was satisfied. However, we had to stay at an hotel the first days because we could not get our rooms before our first lecture day.
Most of my social activities were together with other international students attending medicine and people I got to know at PAX. I got several e-mails concerning social activities, but only attended climbing once. I made several swedish friends since I attended the swedish course.
I chosed KI because it is well-known as a good university with high ranking. The swedish and norwegian clinical wards are quite similar, so I knew it would be easy to use my knew knowledges in Norway as well. The information from my home university and KI was good.
D10X01 : Clinical medicine-emphasis on reproduction and development
I attended the swedish courses. Had one introduction week with genetics. Then 6 weeks of pediatrics and 6 weeks of gynecology. In both courses we started with one introduction week. Then clinical duty from monday to thursday, and lectures every friday. Alle the teachers (doctors) were nice and very including. The courses felt very relevant, and they were well organized.
Overall I am very pleased I went to KI, and had a great time in a beautiful city and a great learning outcome.
Utsikt över Santiago från en kulle där jag gjorde "Paragliding"
I was very satisfied with my studies at KI. Had a lot of clinical work, and lectures only once a week. Almost all the teachers (doctors) were very nice and included the students in a very nice way. Due to all our clinical work I had a great learning environment and a good learning outcome.
Den medicinska fakulteten