Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: VIA University College
Study programme: Physiotherapy
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Autumn semester 2013/2014
Name: Gry Fuglsang Søgaard
Email address:

Arrival and registration

No problems, it was nice to meet other exchange student. But it had been nice to meet other from my study those days.


I applied though KI-housing. The standard was okay compared to the accomodation prices in Stockholm.

Leisure time and social activities

I was the only exchange student at my study and the other swedish students alredy had their social life beside. So I didn't attend in many activities. But i attended in a couple of events arranged by Global Friends.

I got swedish friend, but I meet them in other circumstances beside KI.


 Choosed to go exchange because I wanted to try something different. Beside I wanted to find out if Physiotherapie in Denmark is the same as other places.

It was a coincidence that I went to KI, I had been seerching for an university in Norway, and suddenly my coordinator at the school told me it was possible at KI.

I was in lack of information. I didn't know how long time and what I excatly should do or expect. But I figured out by the time. It would have been great if I had rechieve a plan for my study periode before I left.

I should't bring any certificate as I remember it.

Courses during the exchange period

1SY018 : Physiotherapy 7 - Clinical physiotherapy
1EE020 : Literature review
Didnt make this part.
1EE018 : Clinical rotation 2 for exchange students - physiotherapy


I enjoyes my time.

It would have been really great to have a language course, because I was teached in swedish and had to speack swedish with the patients.

It could have been good to have like a scheme for the periode before arrival, at least the first couple of weeks.

Language and Culture

It's not possible to take the official language course for Scandinavians. So I leaned swedish while I studied because I had to learn it. Better late than never, there was an cource for exchange students with swedish students as teachers arranged by Medicinska Forening..

Studies in general

It remindes alot of how we are related at my home school. But it was unusual that the class was so big, which made it hard to know the other students.

In my clinical rotation it was a bit different. The supervisor wasn't special educated for it and had to follow us most of the time.