Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Haute Ecole Libre de Bruxelles
Study programme: Nursing
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2013/2014
Name: Tabot Samuel
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Unfortunately, i wasn't here for the introduction day. But i had a special day only for me by Karen and Gunilla. It was really kind and helpfull. I didn't have any problem. There is also a lot of parties by Global Friends to welcome you in Stockholm.


I applied for a housing through the University (Kihousing). It's really easy to choose, to pay... You share the toilet, bathroom, kitchen and restroom. This is washed every day by the kihousing, so you don't need to think about it ! There is a room to wash your clothes with a dryer also. And you are with all the Erasmus student.

Leisure time and social activities

I didn't participate in much activities through KI. I travelled a lot during my stay here and went out with my collegues.
Väldigt amerikansk parad som öppnades av mimmi och musse.


 I choose to go on exchange not only because i love travelling but also to become a better nurse. It is really good to confront and share his idea and knowledge. Because even if science is the same for all, the procédure and the responsabilities are different for each countries. I also choose to go on exchange to improve my English so sorry if my writing is not so good. I choose KI because i always wanted to see Sweden and also to have a high level of education. It's the country of the nobel price !

To come here, i didn't have to do any vaccination. I receive a big letter from KI with all the information and even a map. It was really friendly and welcoming. Even to find a room, it's really easy with Kihousing !

Vy från Navy Pier

Courses during the exchange period

SSKLITT01 : Literature Review
I didn't did it finally
SSKX01 : Somatic nursing, medicine - Clinical education 1
My first internship was in the hematological ward in Sös. It's a great team with a lot of young nurses. The material surprises me and the Tools also. I learned also the swedish's system and TakeCare.
1EE084 : Somatic nursing, medicine - clinical education 1b
My second internship was in ASIH. I asked for it and i learned a lot.
1EE055 : Somatic Nursing
My last internship was in Farsta Ambulans.


Great exchange.

Language and Culture

 I didn't had any swedish language course.

Studies in general

I didn't had much contact with supervisors but only because i'm really autonomous. Gunilla is always ready to help you and to answer to your questions. Swedish people are very welcoming and friendly and all my co-workers was ready to help and to teach me.

I didn't went to school here in Sweden.

For the relation with the patient, i think that's a good idea to learn Swedish. Some of them speak very wel in English but it's normal that most of the time, everybody speaks in swedish. But you can also learn how understand a situation without understand a word ! It's great to know how read an expression on a face !