Exchange report - incoming students
El oso y el madroño, Puerto del Sol, Madrid
Home university: Universitetet i Bergen
Study programme: Biomedicine
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2013/2014
Name: Deusdedit Tusubira
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Unlike other international students, I arrived in the middle of the semester. I missed out on most of the ceremonies but I am highly indebted to to International students coordinator. She personally made arrangements to make me feel welcome and at home. I was happy that I managed to settle down and Immediately started with formalities in the laboratory. My host Department had some of the most helpful and hardworking people. I consider myself lucky for having joined a very vibrant team. They made it easy for me to start work.
Faculdad de Medicina på campus Universidad Cumpletense de Madrid, ligger precis vid tunnelbaneuppgången "Ciudad Universitario", på andra sidan fontänen rakt fram. Inte långt från Moncloa.


I applied for housing through the UAC/ KI housing . They secured for me Jagargatan. This was cheap compared to UIB housing though alot smaller and the usual problems of shared accommodation. It was great that we had good people on the floor. They made sure it was clean most of the time. We did not have to pay or book for laundry.

It was far away from campus which was nice for me because it kept me health. I had to walk long distances everyday. The signals for internet were very low and hence I missed out. I could not access internet in my room which was on the downsize. I wish they were using plug in.

Tillsammans med min ERASMUS-grupp hade vi flera trevliga middagar då vi hade "National food and drink party" då alla lagade mat från sina egna länder - klart något jag rekommenderar!

Leisure time and social activities

Most of the social activities i was involved in were arranged by members of my host laboratory.  They were so good that now I can confidently say that I have a rudimentary idea of Swedish way of life.
På helgsemester i Granada med några spanska vänner.


I always wanted to visit and be part of Karolinska Institutet due to its reputation in Medicine and its association with the Nobel Forum. It was natural for me to respond immediately when my home University announced the possibility of an exchange programme. I had prior contacted someone at KI who would probably be my supervisor. I was pretty satisfied with the information provided by my home university to proceed with the application process.

My home University made it clear to me that I had to personally apply online, get insurance, and accommodation. They told me that there were a few differences between KI and UIB. This and other tips made it possible for me to easily integrate on arrival.

Since I was not going to work with patients and coming from a country with similar health policies, I was not required to get some of the vaccinations though I had to take health insurance since I was not an EU citizen.
Madrid är en fantastisk stad...

Courses during the exchange period

2EE087 : MAS-Biomedical project for exchange students
MAS-Biomedical project for exchange students. I was working on Nuclear-Receptors. I had wonderful supervisors who helped me master important Molecular techniques.
En fördel att vara väl utrustad med inte bara stetoskop utan även en bra ordbok...


I feel pretty satisfied with my exchange period. My host University told me that i was the first exchange student for this programme but I believe I will not be the last. 
Minnen för livet...

Language and Culture

I participated in the language course. My programme was too full since I had very little time at Ki and hence did not enjoy it the way I would have liked.

Studies in general

my work was exclusively laboratory based. I am happy both with the discipline and commitment of the team in the department I visited. The rules at times seemed to be too many but that was alright with me.
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon