Exchange report - incoming students
En sommardag i Heidelberg med utsikt från Philosofenweg till slottet och Alte Brücke
Home university: University of Toledo
Study programme: Occupational Therapy
Exchange programme: INK
Semester: Spring semester 2013/2014
Name: Rachel Griffin
Email address:

Arrival and registration

My arrival arrangements for the KI and introduction day were very well planned. They were able to accomodate my short time in Sweden before starting my clinical. My arrival meeting with Johanna was informative and very helpful. She provided me with all the information I needed to start my clinical. 

My contact and meeting with the student health center was easy and timely, My supervisor was able to set up the meeting for me and provided directions to the facility. 


The housing I was provided was nice. Although I was far from the Solna campus, the room was clean and ready for me when I arrived. My suit mate was courteous of my schedule and made an effort to help me when I needed it. The kitchen was not ideal and tended to be dirty, but that is to be expected when so many people are all sharing the space. I thought the cost was appropriate for the general cost of living in and around Stockholm. 
En utav våra många middagar. Här bjuds det på hemmalagade köttbullar med potatis, lingonsylt och gräddsås.

Leisure time and social activities

I did not participate in any social activities during my exchange however I was invited to numerous events. My building had a very active facebook page on which people were posting activities and invites for various events. I made some Swedish friends through a good friend of mine who lives in Stockholm. 
Bild på Hauptstrasse


I chose to go on an exchange because I wanted to learn more about occupational therapy in other countries. I was also provided the opportunity through my school which sends students to KI every year. It sounded like a wonderful opportunity and I am so glad I was able to take advantage of it.

KI provided all the information I needed prior to my arrival and throughout my stay. The staff were easy to contact via email and responded to questions very quickly. Over all I really enjoyed my time at KI and would reccomend it to future students. It is a wonderful opportunity.

Courses during the exchange period

EAR001 : Clinical rotation 1 for exchange students - occupational theraphy
I did not attend any courses while at KI.
Övar ÖNH-status på varandra


I loved my time at KI. The staff of the hospital were extremely welcoming and understanding. They all went out of their way to ensure that I was able to make the most of my short time there. I would highly recommend this exchange program to other students. 

Language and Culture

I did not participate in any Swedish language courses while at KI. 

Studies in general

I was placed at the children's hospital in Solna. Although I did not attend any classes and just worked at the hospital, my experience was wonderful. I was the only student with the occupational therapy department at the time and my supervisors all made an effort to include me in as many things as possible. I attended weekly meetings with several of the OT's to ensure we were all on the same page as far as expectations. They also checked in with me regularly to make sure that I was getting the experience I wanted. I was able to see many different and unique cases throughout my time at the hospital. 
Herr Doktor Professor Neurologi med Frenzel-brillor