Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci, Institut Paul Lambin
Study programme: Biomedical Laboratory Science
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2013/2014
Name: Thomas Scimone
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Unfortunately I could not be at  the introduction day because of some class I had in Belgium but i had all the information I needed after.


Thanks to the KI pick up service, the arrival was also very easy. I went to my accomodation first and then visited a little bit around it to find places like supermarket  and I had the information about the public transport. The pick up service was very helpful.

Odense Universitet Hospital


I found an accommodation quite easily. I applied and after a few days I had a suggestion which I accepted. The accommodation was nice. I had some troubles with electricity but I informed the maintenance service and they fixed the problem very quickly.

Leisure time and social activities

I visited Vasa Museum  with Global Friend and I went to the salsa class organized by Social dance. I have been very glad of it. It was very nice to learn salsa and also to meet other exchange people but also swedish people in the same time.


I choose to do an Erasmus because I often heard it was a great experience and thus I wanted to live it! I did not really choose to go in Sweden because in my school, you choose to do an Erasmus but not where you go and for that type of trip it was Sweden or nothing. I was ok with that. I mean I did not know Sweden at all and discover new place is also part of Erasmus so I actually was very excited.


I also learned that the university, KI, which I did not know at all  so far, has a very good reputation  which made that trip even more interesting.


I had no problem to find the informations I needed on KI website and I also had enough information from my school.

Courses during the exchange period

1EE049 : Project work (Lab Med)
I participated to a research project about Alzheimer's disease. It was a 3 month internship and it was very enriching and rewarding.
HBMAX1 : Literature Review Course (Lab Med)
Nothing special to say
Dockor med riktiga människo ben för att träna CT apparaten


It was a very good Esamus experience professionally and personnally and I could have stayed more time i would have done it with pleasure.

Language and Culture

I began Swedish language course but stopped after 3 classes because I though we learned to much detail. It's a 10 weeks course, 2 hours and 30minutes a week so I think it would have been more interesting to learn things we could directly use in daily life like catch phrases or phrases linked to situation.

Studies in general

I was in Sweden to do an internship in a lab. Everything went fine. I was warmly greeted and well supervised.