Studying at KI was one of the
most amazing experiences I had since I've started studying Dentistry. I started
studying at Brazil because, at the time, I lived there, and then I went to
Portugal and continued and will soon finish my studies here.
Maybe studying at KI wouldn't be as good as it
was for me if I hadn't been in other places before. One thing I noticed is that
KI students are used to a high quality that KI offers, which is very good, and,
sometimes, doesn't really appreciate it.
The Swedish study environment is very very
different from the one we have in Portugal. But is very similar from the one I
had in Brazil, where the teachers are much closer to the students and you are
comfortable to ask anything and, most of them, explain things as they really
care that you learn it. And it was very good, although very weird at the first
times, to be able to call the teacher for their first names and not Dr
something. Maybe it doesn't seem like it, because we are used to this
formality, but using the first name helps us to feel more comfortable to expose
our questions and opinions.
In Portugal our clinic is divided by areas, meaning that in one appointment
we can only do Endodontics, in the other, fillings, in the other surgery so we
end up having a hard time having a general vision of the patient, or deciding
the priorities. Being in Sweden helped me a lot in this area and being able to
follow your patient from beginning to end is very interesting. You can really
follow the evolution and getting to know them better and create a good
relation. This relation with the Swedish patients was very interesting. They
ask a lot of questions and was extremely nice one time that in one of the last
appointments I gave my patient the protection glasses and said "varsågod" and
he answered "tack" without even
thinking and when he noticed was very shocked and happy and just said “Wow! You
speak Swedish!”