The way courses are taught at KI are different from my home university in the way that they are arranged. In KI the courses are intensive and taught one after the other, then a final exam after each module. Whereas, at my home university and in the UK this is not common. We have simultaneous modules and then our final exams in the summer for each module.
Also at KI, you may have long days e.g. 9am to 3pm. This was difficult to get used to at first, but then I began to enjoy being more focused in studying one topic at a time, even having specific lunchtimes. I still think, for me, it is more difficult way of studying but it was good to experience a change in learning styles.
Exams conditions in KI are more relaxed than in England. You have the opportunity to repeat the exams many times until you pass and the repeat grade is not capped. Also, at KI you are given a long time to complete and check over your exams. And in the exam hall before the exam starts, you can chat to your classmates and even bring food into the exam hall. This was really strange to me at first as in England you can't talk once you step foot inside the classroom and even a bottle of water must have it's label removed to prevent cheating!