As I was only completing a 4 week rotation at the hospital, and not involved in KI courses or tutorials, I did not have an introduction day. I found it quite difficult working out where to go once I had arrived, how to pick up my key for my accommodation, and how to get to my accommodation as the maps provided did not show the hospital and my accommodation on them. The student health centre was easy to locate on the KI campus, and the nurses were friendly and helpful. I was quite overwhelmed when I arrived at KI, as did not know anyone or have a proper introduction, however soon managed to find my way around.
Melbourne efter solnedgång från Eureka Tower
I applied for housing through the University Accommodation Center, which was an easy process to complete online. I managed to obtain a room at Strix. The room was very nice, large, with a bed, desk, chair and wardrobe, as well as an en-suite shower and toilet. The accommodation had good facilities including a kitchen/common area and laundry. It was located within bus distance of the hospital, and within walking distance of the metro. It was also within walking distance of a shopping mall and several supermarkets. I found the cost of the accommodation quite reasonable, as it was similar to my living costs back in New Zealand. Overall, I was very happy with the accommodation.
I was only there for 4 weeks and have a friend living in Stockholm, and so was able to spend time with her. I did attend the Global Friends Christmas boat trip around the archipelago and across to Norway, which I really enjoyed and met some lovely new people.
Jag fick möjlighet att bada i en av Daintree Rainforest's svalkande floder.
As a final year medical student studying in New Zealand, we are all required to spend a total of at least 11 weeks studying at another hospital, whether this is in New Zealand or overseas. I have always wanted to travel to Sweden and therefore decided to apply to Karolinska Institutet to carry out a hospital placement at Karolinska Institutet Hospital, as I know that they offer a good exchange programme. In order to apply for the exchange, I was required to be selected by my home University, as they are only allowed to send two students a year to KI. Once accepted by my University, I then needed to apply trough the KI website. The KI website provided me with useful information about the exchange, which courses I could participate in, and how to apply. I was not required to have any vaccines before arriving in Sweden, and also did not require a visa to study.
LÄK003 : Gynaecology
At Karolinska, my time was divided between the delivery ward, caesarean theatre, obstetric and gynaecological outpatient clinics, and robotic tumour surgery. During my 4 weeks, I was able to learn and participate in countless vaginal and caesarean deliveries, as well as learn skills such as conducting deliveries, ventouse extraction, labour induction, foetal CTG placement, external cephalic version, internal and external palpation, amniotomy, lactate sampling, colposcopy, cone biopsy, suturing, and foetal ultrasound. This placement allowed me to gain more experience than you can during your 1-day delivery ward placement in 5th year. Experiencing robotic gynaecological tumour surgeries was definitely one of the highlights of this placement as we don’t have it available in New Zealand. Another advantage was that I was the only student there, which meant I was able to participate in everything that I wanted to, rather than having to share with other students. One disadvantage of this placement was, as Sweden is very similar to NZ in terms of healthcare, you do not have the opportunity to deliver babies by yourself (however you may assist and be highly involved), as you would do in a developing country. Secondly, although all the staff and the majority of patients spoke English, many were not comfortable conversing in English and therefore consultations would usually be held in Swedish. Although the doctor would later explain what had been said, this did make it difficult to develop good bedside manner and effective communication with patients. I was not required by my University to complete assignments or assessments, so cannot comment on this. My supervisors were very easy to contact and helpful in solving any issues. The level of teaching I received from the doctors, nurses and midwives was excellent, and they were all very welcoming and friendly. One thing I regret, and think could be improved on, is that I had no contact with the KI medical students, and would have liked to be involved more in their course and activities so it was difficult to meet other the same age as me. It would be good if KI organised for exchange students on clinical rotations to be placed with KI medical students. Overall, however, I had a great time and learnt a lot!
Overall, I really enjoyed my time at KI and the hospital, and wish it had been longer than 4 weeks! I found the exchange easy to organise and was impressed with my accommodation and the course. I really enjoyed living and studying in Stockholm and think that Sweden and the Swedish people are amazing, and I would love to come back another time in order to see and do more!
Bild på koala tagen i det vilda.
I did not study at KI, I simply completed a 4-week rotation at the hospital, so cannot comment on this.