Exchange report - incoming students
Home university:
Universitetet i Oslo
Study programme:
Exchange programme:
Autumn semester 2014/2015
Arrival and registration
Introduction day was nice, but it didn't feel so relevant as none of the other exchange students that day were on my programme.
Quite difficult to get housing, I applied too late for Karolinska housing. I found a place to stay at Expensive.
Leisure time and social activities
The Swedish students were really nice. I have friends from before that live in Stockholm. I made new friends, but didn't join social activities arranged by Erasmus.
I went on exchange because I had heard nice things about being an exchange student at Karolinska and I wanted to try something else.
Courses during the exchange period
D10X01 : Clinical medicine-emphasis on reproduction and development
Very good and relevant course.
I am really happy I went to KI!
Language and Culture
No language course.
Studies in general
I really liked the amount of clinical education, a lot more than I am used to. The teachers were nice and welcoming, as were the Swedish students.