Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Fudan University
Study programme: Medical Informatics
Exchange programme: Linnaeus-Palme
Semester: Spring semester 2009/2010
Email address:

Arrival and registration

I was quite impressed by the arrival arrangement.  The international coordinator offered us the airline ticket booking service. But I thought it would be more convenient if I booked it myself.  After I arrived at the Arlanda airport,  I saw the taxi which the international coordinator arranged for me.  The taxi directly sent me to the administration building of KI, where I met the global friend. The global friend accompanied me to PAX 3 and found the room for me. The number in PAX 3 has been changed,  it took some time for us to find the right room. Due to the time I arrived at KI, there is no introduction day. And I did not need to contact with the student health service.


The housing arrangement was quite good!  I applied  for the housing via UAC.  It was 26 m*m, there were furnitures and beautiful pictures in the room. What I must mention is that the shower was excellent.  Compared the cost of housing in Stockholm, the cost of housing was quite acceptable. The lanndry made life better, lol.  The only thing I was not content was the renovation of our corridor.  I was waked by the noise of the electricity drill every morning.  But after the renovation, everything looked nice!

Leisure time and social activities

I participated in many socal activities in KI.  I joined football, volleyball, innebande and some other sports. Also, I joined some coffee break  and a segway travel of Health Informatic Center. There were all full of fun. I tried to contact the organization global friends, but it seemd there were little activities in  the late half semester. I made a lot of swedish friends, some of them were in my department,  some of  them were in my corridor and some of them, I met them in the campus.


I am a master candidate in the school of computer science and technology, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. Every year, there are exchange programs between  Karolinska Institutet and Fudan University.  The program is about medical informatics. I was very interested in medical informatics, so I applied the program.  Moreover, I have stayed in Shanghai for 6 years,  I thought I should have a change and experience something different. Experiencing different culture and learning some advanced technology would be fascinating to me.   Although I knew the study aboard-information very early, but the selection for the exchange study was quite late.  It was in the middle of the Spring semester, that gave us something inconvenient.  I was lucky that vaccinated or bring certain certificates was not required for me. 

Courses during the exchange period

2EE040 : Project
The project was challenging and I had very good cooperation with my supervisor and the doctor student. We discussed a lot and some good ideas always came out during our discussion. If the research problem could be well defined, we could made more progress during the study perioid.


Overall, I enjoyed my exchange period at KI, especially in the first 3 months. In the later 2 months, I began to worry about the stuff I needed to do after I got back to China.  The research project I was doing was quite challenging and quite interesting. moreover, I joined some nobel symposiums and lectures to listen to the latest technology and have a look at the best professors in the world.   I also joined some courses, the professors were so kind.   I experienced the May Day, the princess's wedding, the high school students' graduation and some other great events.  I like the swedish culture and the art in the subway stations.   If I could go to KI for the whole semester, not crossing the summer holiday, I think it should be better for me. It would be quite nice if KI  could gave me another opportunity.

Language and Culture

I participated in the Swedish language course for exchange students.  Its name was Swedish for Beginners.  I enjoyed the class so much!  The teacher was full of vivacity and high spirits. There were some Polish guys, some Indian guys, some Mexican guys in the class. There were always full of joyness in the swedish class.   Now, I still miss the happiness in that class.

Studies in general

My study was a medical informatic project.  it was to develope a decision support system about TB/HIV treatment.  I liked the Swedish study environment. The hardware was impressing. In each room,  there was white board so that people could feel free to discuss.  My supervisor talked with me a lot. Though he was quite busy that days, his door was always open for me.  My supervisor was so nice and energetic.  Except study, he offered me several places to visit and introduced several good cafeterias. KI was much older than Fudan University.  I think the difference was that there were more discussions and group working in KI. That's quite good. Because I  was focusing on a decision support system, I learnt how to translate a  problem with medical background into a problem in computer science. I also learnt something about healthcare management and some very important healthcare information system.   It was a pity  that it was in the middle of the semester when I arrived so that  there were few courses available for me.