Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Kobenhavns universitet
Study programme: Medicine
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Autumn semester 2014/2015
Name: Sofie Rosfors
Email address:

Arrival and registration

We got a really nice introduction in the newly built Aula Medica, witch was really nice to see. Also exciting to hear an American present Sweden for us!


Finding a place to stay in Stockholm isn't easy and nor cheap. Luckily I had a friend who could fix me up with an apartment!

Leisure time and social activities

You are often devided into small groups at the hospital witch help you to get to know people. Outside the course I didn't parti in any social arrangements thou I already know many people in Stockholm on forehand. 


I was a different kind of exchange student thought I am originally from Stockholm but now I study in Denmark. So I was home again in one way. It's was nice to see Stockholm from a new perspective. I was going to live in another part of the village and met a lot of new people!

Courses during the exchange period

D9XX01 : Clinical Medicine- Neuro, Senses and Psyche
Psychiatric - it was a nice and welcoming feeling. I had a really good mix with open ward with psychosis patients and OCD patients and inward patients with more complicated syndrome. It was also a good mix between the theoretical and practical parts. Had some good cases where we watch patients on film and discussed it afterwards. Neuro - it's a heavy subject with some complicaded diseases. It's hard to get a grip on in such short time. But it helped a lot that we had students open practice where we took care of our own patients. It is as also really good to be down at the ER I just wish I had a little more time there. Eyes - St Eriks eye hospital is a really good place to learn about eyes!! It's exciting to meet so many doctors and opoptister (and other eye-occupations) with good knowledge of the eye. It also gave you the opportunity to meet many different patiens with different eye problems. Here we also had our own student practice at the ER witch was really nice. Ear Nose and Throat: Its a lot of investigation-technics here that are hard to get a grib on during such a short course. To handle the microscope, the fibroscope etc. But it's really nice to try it out and it's good to see how they do it at the hospitals. The ER was also very good learning opportunity here. Open practice/ vårdcentral - we had one week on an open practice. Me and a fellow student got an own room and got to take our own patients. The Doctors supervised us and choose patient who fitted to our courses. I learnt a lot during this week and met a lot of different type of patients!


I had a really nice time in Stockholm, both on the hospital and outside.
The only thing to complain about is that I lived 5minutes from Karolinska Solna and got most of the clinical practice on Karolinska Huddinge. And the travel time was sometimes one hour each way.. But otherwise was everything great!

Language and Culture

Swedish is my native language so no problems there

Studies in general

The studies on KI are really organized. You get a really nice introduction and often also books at the start of each course. There are course secretary's who are really helpful who you always can contact with your questions. You feel welcomed at the hospital but of course you always meet some doctors who are better to supervise you and include you in ther work than others.