Exchange report - incoming students
Att vara på utbyte i Paris är verkligen roligt!
Home university: Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa
Study programme: Biomedical Laboratory Science
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2014/2015

Arrival and registration

My firts impressions were nice, people received us very well. They were nice. We have a session about several organs of KI as Global Friends for example, which are a very important organisation for exchange students, in my opinion. The students showed us the campus in Solna, which was very importante, because it is huge and easy to get lost. And I also remember that in the afternoon there was a debate about different cultures, different countries. We talked about swedish culture as well and it was in this session that i learned my firts word in swedish: Fika.

Utsikt från Tour Montparnasse


For me everything went fine with finding a house. I applied for housing through the UAC, so it was easy to get a house. 
Delar av vår lägenhet, sett från köket.

Leisure time and social activities

yes i made swedish friends :) and I am so glad with that! they are amazing! Very nice and kind! But we met him in one of our courses at KI. I participated in some events organized essentially by Global Friends and some other events organized by medicin associaton students. The information about these events and others were completely clear and accessible.


I decided to go on exchange because I wanted to know how the studies are in a different country and knew another culture and people. I chose KI because I heard very good thing about this Institute so I thought that would be a great opportunity if i was picked to go to this place.

The information is pretty clear and relevant, i have nothing to complain about it.

The study-abroad information was clear too. I did not have any problems with filling in the documents or bring the documents that were necessary. Everything was well done and prepared.
Well I do not remember that so well, but I did not need to be vaccinated but of course it is important to have all the vaccines that are mandatory taken. We were required to do MRSA test. Just that.

Courses during the exchange period

1BA110 : Applied Biomedical Laboratory Science 2 - Clinical Chemistry (LAb MEd)
This was my last course, so was I used to the examination format. It is different but I liked. I think it makes more sense this kind of examination because I was really evaluated by what I did in the clinical rotation ( in my country besides the oral presentation abou the internship, we do a test wich sometimes has nothing to do with the internship). But sometimes i felt that was too much writting, but i do not know how this kind of evalution could be changed. The teaching and the supervising were okay, i have nothing to add. All the courses that i did were relevant to my degree for sure.
1BA111 : Applied Biomedical Laboratory Science 2 - Clinical Microbiology (Lab Med)
Microbiology is a big world of microrganisms. I liked very much this subject which surprised me because for me this is a really difficult subject so I thought that would not like so much, but it happened the opposite. The surpervisors told us and prepared us for the examination, we trained a little bit which was very important for us. In these two clinical courses (Microbiology and Clinical Chemistry) the supervisors always gave us the information that we need through their own knowledge and experience and they also provided books and other material to help us doing our workbook and be prepared for the evaluation.
1BA107 : Applied Biomedical Laboratory Science 2 - Clinical Pharmacology (Lab Med)
I did not perform this course
1EE039 : Pre-clinical course
I did not do this course
Endodontibehandlingen skiljer sig till viss del från hur vi gör på KI.


Well my feedback is very positive. I enjoyed very much my stay here in Sweden and being a student of KI was a privilege.
Eiffeltornet ses överallt ifrån, både på dagen och natten.

Language and Culture

Yes I did. Well there were two teachers participating in this course, and with one of them i could not learn so much so i changed to the other class. I could learn some words and the alphabet, but i think ten lessons is too short, but i understand if you can do more than that. I enjoyed the lessons. It was really fun and important to integrate myself.

Studies in general

the swedish study environment is more relaxing. the relatonship between student and teacher is different comparing to my home country, besides we can also be closed to our teachers there is a status that separate us, for example in sweden I notice that the students call the teachers by their first name, but in Portugal we call teachers by teacher or professor. there was an attitude that the teachers and supervisors had that I appreciate which was they always said for we have leisure time and not just study study study. It is really important to keep the balance between study and have some free time to do some sports, or read, or dance, or something else which is good to do in hour free time.

Avtryck och modeller på en patient som skulle få ett onlay.