Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Makerere University
Study programme: Dentistry
Exchange programme: Linnaeus-Palme
Semester: Spring semester 2014/2015
Name: Siraje Junior Mayanja
Email address:

Arrival and registration

We arrived at arlanda airport in the morning. We were welcomed by a student sent through KI pick up services. 

She welcomed us and gave us a very good kick start to life in Stockholm. 

At the institutet I finally put a face to the international coordinator who had made this whole trip possible. She welcomed us with seven other students from different countries and introduced us to life at KI. She introduced us to the academic coordinators and we had our key cards made at the library at hudinge. We were then introduced to the student health centre where we had MRSA tests done on all of us.

She all introduced us to odontological society, the students body were we got registered. 


The housing I got was a room in Jargagatan that I applied for through KI housing. The room was very clean and furnished. The cost of living in Stockholm is generally much higher than back home but so is the standard. 

Leisure time and social activities

The Swedish social life is an interesting one. There were pub nights every Friday at the huddinge campus were students and teachers alike would get together to unwind after a long week of work. Among the many things I did while on exchange was go to the vasa museum, the bonfire at skansen, Djurgårdsslätten. Also went for culture day where I visited the French embassy and enjoyed some Frazz, also went to listen to African jazz 🎺 at an Ethiopian shop near slussen. 


My home university, Makerere University Kampala has had student exchange with karolinska for a number of years. However the programme was only for medicine and surgery and nursing students only. But all that changed when a new partnership was formed to start exchange with dentistry as well.  Being the only available exchange option we had,naturally everyone in the class was interested in the programme. When I was told I had been given the opportunity to go on exchange I was over the moon. I received information about karolinska institutet and Swedish life in general. The literature only made my excitement even more, I couldn't wait to see how a new society operated and how education was handled in a different university. 
The coordinator in the international office at karolinska institutet was very helpful in getting us all the information that we needed. Always ready to assist in any way possible with very timely replies. She helped me with all the travel arrangements, insurance even the visa application. As it turns out my first contact person at KI was a really awesome person so at this point I could only imagine what awaited me at the institute. 

Courses during the exchange period

ETL002 : Child and Adolescent Dentistry - Odontology
I was paired with a Swedish student for this course. I was introduced to how the clinic operated. We would work as a pair treating and assisting each other in turns. She would be my interpreter when I needed one.
ETL001 : Comprehensive Care - with subject specific courses
The Vuxen clinic was were we spent most of our time while at KI. We started with treatment of patients in the second week for general examination and treatment planning. The teachers were very helpful and friendly. We were given preclinical training in endodontics and prosthetics before starting on patients which helped me understand how the treatment process works in those fields at KI. The patients were very helpful and friendly as well and very good at managing time ⌚. I completed my assignments and learned alot from the Vuxen clinic.


All in all my life in Stockholm was one of my favourite times and if it were possible I would do it all over again. I met very interesting people who have become my friends both Swedish and non Swedish. I learnt alot from karolinska institutet and my skill set has been greatly improved. 

Language and Culture

Unfortunately I could not attend the language course as it was starting at a time when I was usually scheduled to be at school. 

Studies in general

The study environment at KI is much better than what we have back at home. The teachers are very friendly and helpful. They are always willing to help where need be. The patients as well, always appreciative of the service offered and very good at managing time. Most of the treatment offered Is the same as that offered back home. Major differences were with the size of the clinic, the one at KI being way bigger than what we have back home and a few details to how certain procedures were done. Forexample endodontics where a bacterial test was a part of the procedure before completion and prosthetics where cerec was a major part of treatment which we lack at home. 

I learnt very much including how to male cerec crowns and new ways of approaching treatment of patients. The only area that I thought needed improvement was the teacher response time which at times would be as long as over 30 minutes.