Exchange report - incoming students
Studenter på Sultan Qaboos University Hospital i Oman.
Home university: Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Study programme: Nursing
Exchange programme: NordPlus
Semester: Autumn semester 2010/2011
Name: Erna Keränen
Email address:

Arrival and registration

I had visited Stockholm before my arrival, so finding my way trough the city to Huddinge was not a problem. The city transportation is well arranged and I had gotten good information from KI in advance. The istructions were very clear and easy to follow.


I stayed at the University Accommodation Center at Jägargatan 20, which was next Södersjukhuset (SÖS) were I was to complete my practice in Sweden.  I was pleased with the good location and the cheap rent of the housing. I had a simple room with a bed, desk, bookshelf and washbasin. The kitchen, bathrooms, toilets, and laundry room were all shared with other attendants. The only problems was with the tidiness off the kitchen, I found my self cleaning somebody else's dishes/trash almost everyday. But even though the kitchen was untidy I though that the housing was perfect for my short (2months) stay. And my neighbors were very lovely.
Vårt hus

Leisure time and social activities

I got many international friends through the accommodation I was stying at. We did many things to getter, such as attended student parties and tourist rounds in town.
Wadi Shab


I wanted to do an exchange during my studies because I've always liked travelling and doing an exchange abroad gives a little more challenge. I decided to apply for KI because I had heard so many positive things about the university and the exchange was made very easy by my own school. I also wanted to improve my language skills in Swedish.

Courses during the exchange period

SSKKIR01 : Somatic nursing, surgery - Clinical education 2
I was very pleased with my practice. I wish KI had had more courses available for 3rd semester students in Nursing so I could have done some of my theoretical studies at KI.


I am very happy with my exchange period in Sweden. Everything was very well arranged and I felt safe and welcome through out my whole stay. 

The only thing that could be made a little easier is improving in the cooperation between universities. I was provided with a different set of practice papers (containing the same stuff) from both universities (home and KI) for my tutor nurse to fill out. It would be easier if there was only one set of papers to fill out.

Thank you to KI for giving me the chance to do my exchange in Sweden. I enjoyed very much.

Language and Culture


Studies in general

I didn't do studying of courses during my stay, but I did a clinical practice through KI at SÖS, ward.36. The hospital ward was very similar to ward at home in Finland. At first I had a little slow start since my tutors at the ward weren't too keen on talking English to me,but preferred Swedish. Every one was really nice to me at the ward. I was thought in Swedish, but if I didn't completely understand something my teachers explained things to me in English. This is how I got good practice in my Swedish. I got see many procedures and I think I learned a lot.