Those days gave me a very good impression of KI. Everything was well-structured, clear, and made with a lot of humor. I really had a great time, and it helped to feel very welcome. KI always gives a lot to their international students !
I applied for housing through the university, and was lucky to get my first choice. You have to select some different kind of "house" (and pray to get the one you want). This system works well in my opinion. If you apply early, then you have more chance to have the one you selected as a first choice. This is fair. Then, my room was quite nice. I could not complain about it.
KI has a huge organisation for social activities. It is really easy to find all information wanted about activities for students (student bar, dinner, kayaking, walking tours,...). I participated in some of those activities and always had a great time.
I chose to go on exchange because it was a big opportunity to live in a different city, with people from many different countries, and to get a different kind of education than the one in Switzerland. Then, I chose KI first because I knew the courses would be in English and my Erasmus goal was to improve my English, and secondly because this is a famous university with a good education system. All information provided by KI and my home university was really clear and helpful both before and during my stay.
D8XX01 : Clinical Medicine - Surgery
Very good. Different clinical rotations in many departments (urology, orthopedics, oncology,...). Doctors are extremely interesting and keen on teaching. Teachers are dynamics and funny. Exams: oral, practical and written format; well-adapted.
D10X01 : Clinical Medicine - emphasis on reproduction and development
Good clinical rotations in many departments as well. Nice doctors wanting to share their knowledge. Small group based-cases courses very helpful to completely go through one disease. Exams: practical and written format; well-adapted.
DVKX01 : Medical Development in Sweden/Europe
What a course ! Great experience of traveling, sharing culture and understanding different health systems. Exam: oral presentation by group of 5-6 people.
I have a very good general impression about my time at KI. Every single thing went well and in an easy way. I learned a lot during my stay, and will always be grateful for having had this opportunity to study at KI.
We had three days of Swedish classes during the introduction week. My teacher was quite bad at teaching, so I gave up learning Swedish quite really, which is a pity.
I much appreciated the Swedish system of education. In Sweden students spend more time at the hospital than in Switzerland, and I think this is really good to develop skills. The doctors I had were extremely kind to me and most of the time very keen on teaching every single thing they knew. The contact with patients was quite ok (sometimes too many "only" swedish-speaking patients, but well... remember this is their language ;)). The only bad relevant element that I could find and that Swedish system should work on it is the efficiency. I have to admit that sometimes things went a bit too slow at the hospital. At least if I compare with my home country, Switzerland.