Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: T.E.I. Athinon
Study programme: Occupational Therapy
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2014/2015

Arrival and registration

Arrival arrangements:
I was surprised with the existance of the pickup service and i think is very helpful!! I received on time the e-mail with the appropriate information and instructions in order to meet the person who would help me and it worked fine!! The person who picked me up was very friendly, helpful and open to my questions.

Introduction day:
It was also very good. I met the International coordinator the Fieldwork coordinator and one of my teachers. They provided me all the necessary documents and they also informed me more about my placements and my schedule in general. They also gave me the instructions about how could I receive my library card in order to have access to Karolinska Library.

Student health centre:

I found it easily in the Karolinska Library and it took me only 3 minutes to make the MRSA test.


Housing arrangements:
I found housing arengements well organised but i think that it would be better if I knew earlier the housing that accepted me in order to decide if i want to stay there or if it's better to search for a private housing.

Impression of the standard and cost of housing:

In general my impression was very good about the housing. I only have some points to mention.
I think that kitsen need to be cleaned more often, in living room some items aren't working (e.g. the HDMI cable), in play room some arrows and pool sticks are missing and we had also a lot of difficulties with the washing mashines that sometimes weren't working. About the cost, even thought it includes electricity, heating and water I find it a bit expensive since this housing is addressed to students.

Leisure time and social activities

Social activities:
I found out a lot of activities organized from KI for exchange students but I didn't have a lot of free time to participate of them.
I joined the dance classes which were taking place at KI in Solna and I really enjoyed it!!
I also went to the international party for O.T. and P.T. exchange students and i had a gret time there meeting new peolpe and also my future classmates!! We ate all together we discussed and we sang all together with our teachers and coordinators!!


Go on Exchange:
The main reason that made my apply for this exchange program was my first clinical experience, which didn't satisfay me a lot. So, while I was searching for ways to make my education better, I came up with the idea of the erasmus program!!

KI choise:
My home University gave us the possibility to choose between two Universities Abroad, in Sweden and in Spain. I chose Sweden and especially Karolisnka after a brief reseach I did in order to be informed about the Universities we could study at.
I found out that KI is among the best europian Universities and it's also a research center. Furthermore I already knew that in Sweden in general the Health Care Systems works nicely and I was very curious to learn about it!!

Exchange information given by KI and your home university:
I'm really satisfayed from the information that both Universities gave my concerning my exchange studies. Both Universities answered my e-mails on time and helped me a lot with every problem I faced. KI informed my on time about my studies, my placements, the accomodation, the arrival and all the important data you need to have when you go for studies in a foreing country.

Vaccination or certificates:
The only test that KI required from us to do was the MRSA test which took just 2 minutes and was very easy to do it.

Courses during the exchange period

EAR001 : Clinical rotation 1 for exchange students - occupational theraphy
My first clinical placement was in Danderyd Hosprial ( ) and especially in the Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Department. There, I learned about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (A.C.T.) which is a very effective psychological method for patients with Chronic Pain. I also had the chance to see the multiproffessional work and to participate in both Occupational Therapy sessions and Physiotherapy sessions. I'm totaly satisfayed from my supervisors there and I'm really thankfull for the fact that they tried to meet my educational needs!!
EAR002 : Clinical rotation 2 for exchange students - occupational therapy
My second experience was in Alleris Rehabilitation Center ( where I had the chance to participate in Hand Therapies and also in Home Visits. In this placement I had a great opportunity to observe the making of hand splints and create my own one, to learn about different hand diseases, to participate in the therapeutic process (e.g. parafinium group, fall prevention group, balance group) to be familiar with the home assessment that an O.T. does in Home Visits and the adjustments we can suggest and the aids we can offer. I had a great cooperation with the staff which let me participate in all the sessions I wanted to.
AT1X01 : Community and Home Based Rehabilitation - Cultural Perspectives
My third placement was in Karolinska Childrens' Hospital ( and epecially in the orthopedic and orthopedic field. In this Hospital I participated in a lot of assessment sessions and that helped me to become familiar with the application and the scoring of some of the assessments tools we used there. I also learned a lot about different kind of diagnoses and diseases and the therapeytic process we follow as Occupational Therapists. Finally, evethough I couldn' tbe indipendant because of the language, I was lucky because we had to Greek patients and my supervisors trusted me for the therapy of these two patients.


I'm satisfyed a lot from my whole experience in Sweden. It's a well organised country with kind and polite people that helped you when you ask for it.
The only suggestion I would like to do concerns my return process. I would like this process to be simpler because I had some troubles with the documents I have to fill and send to my home University and the ones that I don't have to fill in.

Language and Culture

Unfortunatelly I didn't have time to participate in the Swedish language coursethat KI provided me during my exchange. So I can't make an assessment for this course!!

Studies in general

Swedish study environment:
I participated in an international course called "Comunity and Home based based Rehabilitation" having classmates and also teachers from all over the world!!
This variety of nationalities and cultures helped my a lot to learn how does the Heath system works in other countries and what's different, similar or same with the home country system. I also met a lot of different cultures and I learned about various civilization aspects and how they influence the therapeutic process.
During the course we had a lot of group work that increased my cooperation skills and we went to study visits, which helped me a lot to have a practical view of the organizations and how are they working.
It was a very intresting experience
that broadened my horizons and helped me see my profession from different perspectives!!