Go on Exchange:The main reason that made my apply for this exchange program was my first clinical experience, which didn't satisfay me a lot. So, while I was searching for ways to make my education better, I came up with the idea of the erasmus program!!
KI choise:My home University gave us the possibility to choose between two Universities Abroad, in Sweden and in Spain. I chose Sweden and especially Karolisnka after a brief reseach I did in order to be informed about the Universities we could study at.
I found out that KI is among the best europian Universities and it's also a research center. Furthermore I already knew that in Sweden in general the Health Care Systems works nicely and I was very curious to learn about it!!
Exchange information given by KI and your home university:I'm really satisfayed from the information that both Universities gave my concerning my exchange studies. Both Universities answered my e-mails on time and helped me a lot with every problem I faced. KI informed my on time about my studies, my placements, the accomodation, the arrival and all the important data you need to have when you go for studies in a foreing country.
Vaccination or certificates:The only test that KI required from us to do was the MRSA test which took just 2 minutes and was very easy to do it.