General impression is that studying at KI is much easier than at KU - and all exchange students I met said the same about all the swedish universities. Perfect for an exchange where you also focus on a lot of other stuff but bad for swedish students - definitely not what gives KI it's good international reputation. Courses not so well organized - too many lecturers that didn't know what the others had taught and was out of tune with what you know at bachelor level. Some even so bad at english we left the lectures. Students also not on the same level as on mol. biomed. at KU - but I think very few are since this is a very special case.
Teacher-student relationship only good for the last course, biostatistics. Otherwise we mostly saw them once or twice and had no relationship.
Overall I learned a lot less at KI in a semester than I would at KU in one semester - and this is even with the very satisfying grades: A, B, A, A in four courses.