We started off with preclinical sessions which included:
Opus Dental which is a software system where all
patient history and examination notes are made contrary to the paper system
back home. With such a system one can easily access patient records anywhere on
a KI computer and plan treatment, book appointments and follow up a case. We
would use the same system to call in the teachers to supervise and follow up
different dental procedures in the clinic.
Preclinical Endo: Here we were guided through the
way root canals are done in Sweden and the different material used and
techniques such as use of rotary instruments to prepare the coronal 2/3 of the
canal. Each one of us was required to do an access cavity, clean and shape and
obturate an anterior tooth to complete the course.
Preclinical Prosthetics: Here we had sessions in
crown preparations for ceramic crown, metal crown and porcelain fused to metal
crowns. We also made temporary crowns using luxatemp for anterior teeth and
aluminium for posterior teeth. The most interesting of all was the cerec crown
technique where we made the crown preparation, scanned it using a special
camera and computer, designed the crown on the computer, made the crown within
15 minutes and fitted it on the tooth. This was high tech dentistry.
Digital x-rays: Here we guided through the
technique of taking digital x-rays slightly different from the analogue system
back home. The digital system is faster and clearer since one can change the
contrast on the image