Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Högskolen i Bergen
Study programme: Physiotherapy
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2015/2016
Name: Marte-Lise Jensen
Email address:

Arrival and registration

I did not use the pick-up service when I arrived Stockholml, since I was going to stay some days at a hostel in the city. 

I arrived in Stockholm the 7th of January, and started the clinical rotations the 11th of January. However, the introduction day was not until the 15th of January. We already knew all the information given at the introduction day beforehand, and it was therefore quite useless for us. However, after lunch there was a great presentation! 

The contact with the student health centre worked great. We arranged a time for the MRSA-screening, and got some information about their opportunities for the students. 


I applied for accomodation through KI housing, and luckily I got my first choice! However, since I got the acceptance letter from KI that late, I did not know if I got a place to stay until the middle of Desember. Since I only were going to stay in Stockholm for three months, it was really difficult to find a private housing (and it is really expensive!). I'm therefore really happy that I got to stay in Pax and the rent was okey.  

Leisure time and social activities

I did not participate in any social activities arranged by KI. Since I only had clinical rotation, and no course at the university, I did not get to know any other physiotherapy students. I wish that this had been different. Maby by being included to some social events in the physiotherapy class. However, we got invited to the global friends activities, but did not participate. I was social with my friend from my home university. 


I wanted to go on exchange to experience a new city, to take part in how physiotherapists are working in Sweden and to take the clinical rotations at a well known hospital. I chose KI because it is a university known for its good education and research. However, I wish we could have gotten more information about the exchange earlier. We had to ask multiple times for information about the places we were going to have our practical periods. We also got the acceptance letter really late, and could therefore not apply for accomodation until the end of November, which was quite a stress factor. 
The study abroad information given by KI was great! They sent us a map of Stockholm, and informed us about Global Friends. We were not required to be vaccinated, but had to take an MRSA-screening before we started the clinical rotantions. 

Courses during the exchange period

1EE091 : Clinical Rotation 1 for Exchange Students - Ph
My first clinical rotation (4 weeks) was at Astrid Lindgrens Barnsjukhus, at BIVA, LIVA, ECMO and surgical department. I met a lot of patients, and the last two weeks i got to be independent and have my own patients. I had both independent patients, and groups in the pool. The group session was children from orthopeadics, oncological and reumatological. We got very well taken care of, and all the co-workers were super nice. The supervisors gave me continous feedback, which was great. The course was absolutely relevant to my degree, and my supervisors were super talented. This was the most interesting rotation!
1EE092 : Clinical Rotation 2 for Exchange Students - Physiotherapy
My second clinical rotation (4 weeks) was at Karolinska sjukhuset in Huddinge, at Rikssentrum for barnobesitas (children obesety) and children medicine. Unfortunately we did not get to meet that many patients at this place, so we did not get the chance to be completely independent. I got to cooperate with many other professions, such as dietists, doctors, psycologists and nurses. From my point of view, I spent too much time in the office, and too little time with the patients. As well the students had their own office, which made it more difficult to discuss with our supervisor and other physiotherapists. However, I got to follow some physiotherapists in other units, such as CF, transplantation, neonatal and intensive care unit.
1EE094 : Clinical Rotation 3 for Exchange Students - Physiotherapy
My last clinical rotation (4 weeks) was at Karolinska sjukhuset in Solna, at the policlinic unit for heart diseases, dizziness and balance. My supervisors at this place were very talented, and many of them were specialists. I got to be independent quite fast, and had both independent patients and group sessions. My supervisors gave me continous feedback, which was great. We got to share office with the other physiotherapists, and got well taken care of.


Overall I am really pleased with the exchange! I got to see a lot of patients with different diseases and problems, which was very interesting. I also got a picture of how physiotherapist are working at the hospitals in Sweden. 
However, I think the stay would have been even better if the clinical rotation in both Huddinge and Solna was placed on one unit. That would make us more independent. 

Language and Culture

Since I'm from Norway, I can understand swedish, and they can understand me. Therefore I did not participate in any swedish language course. 

Studies in general

We did not participate any classes. So this is not relevant for us.