Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale
Study programme: Occupational Therapy
Exchange programme: INK
Semester: Spring semester 2015/2016
Name: Cléa Gentile
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Because we were two students from my home university, I didn`t use the offer from the global

friends organisation. But the information about it was good and it was also understandable

how to organize everything. It was as well not the first time in Stockholm for me, so I knew

where to buy a SL card and how to go to my accommodation. But maybe for next time, with

some help, it would not take such a long time. For example I didn`t know that you can`t buy a

one way ticket in the bus.


I applied for a accommodation at the karolinska Institute Housing AB. Everything worked

out really good, and the booking coordinator replied all my questions. I stayed in Vårberg,

which is a really new studenthousing, so the rooms were really nice with a lot of space and

good places to meet other students. The costs were accordingly high, although the place

was about 25 minutes away from the citiy.

Leisure time and social activities

I participated several times activities organized by global Friends organisation. They made a

lot of funny and mostly free trips or celebrations. It was everytime really nice, in especially to

meet some other students. But mostly I participated with people from the student housing and

the course, community and home based rehabilitation.

I also participated once a week in a volleyball team from the student organisation SSIF. That I

found for myself. ( There I met as well some Swedish

people, but mostly exchange students.


The Exchange at the Karolinska University in Stockholm was one of the only opportunities my

home University offered me to go abroad. For me it was always clear, that if I make an

exchange, I want to go to Sweden, because on the one hand I had a lot of catnip experience

at holiday times and on the other hand I knew about the good intermediate development of

the profession Occupational Therapy.

Courses during the exchange period

AT1X01 : Community and Home Based Rehabilitation - Cultural Perspectives
The course was a personal and a jobrelated gain. I learnd a lot about my own coutry, the health system and the occupational therapy, and how big the differences can be in just one country. But as well how this things operate in other countries, and that was the most interesting part for me. The exchange with the students and the teachers from abroad were rewarding. Mostly the lessions were with a practival orientation.
1EE083 : Clinical rotation for exchange students - Occupational Therapy
I had three different supervisors and they were all so great to me, we talked a lot about the differences in our countries, about the profession, the working culture and about experiences. If the language was a problem between the supervisor or the patient an me, we talked with our hands and body and it functioned everytime, that was really impressive. And that was one of the educational things, because everywhere, as well in the home coutriy exist the possibility that we dont understand each other with our language. I learned as well a lot about the rehabilitation process at the outpatient ward, and as well what happens after the rehabilitation at the hospital.
EAR004 : Analyses of literature from an occupational perspective
That kind of work was for me a really good preparation for the bachelor thesis. As well it was positive that we could choose an own topic.


I had a wonderful, eventful time with a lot of different experiences. I love the country, the

language, the fika :) and the natural world. I would do it directly again and then I am sure for a

longer time.

Language and Culture

Unfortunately, it was a little bit a chaos with my language course. Because there at the

beginnig I went to one, which was not for beginners, so I didnt went again. After that they

suggested me for an other basic course which started after my practical placement. I was

really motivated to learn the language, but twice a week for about 2.5 hours was to much,

especially because the way to the course and back home was about 2 hours. As well the

language would be helpful for the practical placement. So for a next time, I would try to go to a

Swedish basic course in my homecountry, but just for me, because in Sweden all the people

can speak English very wel

Studies in general

One of the first big difference which was noticeable for me was, that most of the people knew

something about the profession Occupational Therapy (arbetstherapi), because in my home

country you have to explain it every time. As well the working atmosphere, particularly the fika

times were new for me.