Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Universiteit Leiden
Study programme: Biomedicine
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Autumn semester 2010/2011
Name: Elleke Peterse
Email address:

Arrival and registration

The introduction day was very good. We learned a lot about Sweden and about KI, it was very nice. And you meet other exchange students, which was also very nice. The arrival arrangement wasn't very well, because the UAC has limited opening hours so you can't pick up your own key, and global friends didn't have enought students to help us. I didn't need the health centre work, but on the introductionday thel explained very clearly what you could do when you were very sick, so that was very nice.


The housing arrangement was very good for us. I aplied at the UAC and I got a nice room in Pax 1.

Leisure time and social activities

I participated in a lot of social activities, organized by global friends. That's was realy great. I got an email for each activity and than I could submit, so i was very ease. I made a few new friends from all over the world.


I choose to go on an exchange program because I thought that I could learn a lot by living abroad. I choose KI because it is a well known university and because we didn't have another choice. We received excellent information from the home institution so it was no very hard to go. We received enough information, and vaccination was not needed.

Courses during the exchange period

BIOX05 : BACH - Infection and Immunity
I thought this course was very borring and we had a few realy bad lectures. There were simply to much details presented so it was hard to know what was importent. The superviser was very nice, and the book we used was very good.
BIOX06 : BACH - Integrative Physiology
This was an interesting course. But sometimes low quality lectures as well. And the book wasn't very good. But i learned a lot, so that's very nice.


The exchange program was really a great experience. I'm very happy that I went to KI. But I do think that the quality of the education is a bit lower.

Language and Culture

I didn't participate in any Swedish language course.

Studies in general

I thought that the study in Sweden was a bit easier than in the Netherlands, altough the exams were pretty hard. All the teachers were very nice and willing to help so that was really great. The practicals were very easy compared to the one in the Netherlands, so that can be improved.