Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Makerere University
Study programme: Dentistry
Exchange programme: Linnaeus-Palme
Semester: Spring semester 2015/2016
Name: Abdul Seguya
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Well everything was new and so neat. The people were extremely nice but abit strange. The throat swab was abit uncomfortable but ok. I was just hoping I didn't have any of those drug resistant pathogens on me. I hadn't even realised how important my personal identification number was.


The accomodation was goood. My housemates were wonderful.

Leisure time and social activities

Yes I did. I also participated in alot of global friends activities.


I personaly thought it was an amazing opportunity to be able to see dentistry as it is in sweden and KI in particular.
KI has a sound reputation in research and resources.The exchange imformation is adquate but the global friends club helps quite alot.
 Yes I was required to be vaccinated for a couple of diseases.

Courses during the exchange period

ETL002 : Child and Adolescent Dentistry - Odontology
YES they were very relevant but the language barrier makes it harder. I learnt alot concerning nistrous oxide use and treatment under sedaton and child care.
ETL001 : Comprehensive Care - with subject specific courses
This was amazing, I learnt quite alot from all he specialties from endodontics, prosthodontics, implants. I think it was amazing.


I had an amazing time and would gladly recommend that veryone gets the opportunity of expiriencing it. I learnt alot and made a couple of friends. I would definately do it over and over again and recomend for others too to join. I would love to have a postgraduate with KI.

Language and Culture

It is a very good idea. And the teachers are nice and avaialable.

Studies in general

I think they were amazing, the student teacher relationship is very good. There is alot of encouragement to do quality work.
The study enviroment is very relaxed. I think they go hand in hand but the clinical exposure is excellent.
I think the teachers at KI are nicer than at my home University, They teach more and are more involved in the work with the students. At Makerere we have more of stuent centered learning, very few lectures are given if ever given. I learnt that my home University encourages me to read widely outside what my teachers provide.