Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Yrkeshögskolan Novia
Study programme: Nursing (specialists)
Exchange programme: NordPlus
Semester: Autumn semester 2016/2017

Arrival and registration

KI offered pick-up service to come and pick you up, which is an important thing if you don't know anything about local traffic in Stockholm. i didn't use it because I knew where to go after my arrival. I arrived about one week before the introduction week started.  

The contact with the student health centre worked great during the introduction week and the MRSA screening.


It's a good opportunity that KI offer lodging for students. Though I didn´t apply for any housing arrangements because I lived with my boyfriend during my stay in Stockholm.

Leisure time and social activities

During my exchange I didn't participate in any social activities. However I was invited and the information of social activities were great. I met so many new people during my practice and some of them I will keep in touch with after the exchange. I also had my boyfriend here so we spent much time together.


I wanted to challenge myself during my nursing studies by doing my last practical training abroad. I chose KI because it's a known university with its high qualitative education. I have also heard other students' positive experiences. 
I also wanted to learn more about the Swedish caresystem and healthcare.
The information I got from KI and my home university was helpful and very important, especially before the exchange. I was well prepared before my trip and my practical training.

Courses during the exchange period

SSK003 : Emergency care - Clinical education
The third placement was at Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset in Solna. I was 2 weeks in an intensive care department, and the most common patients were those with acute medical, surgical and infectious diseases. Monitoring, additional controls and special treatments with advanced medical care were used for the patients. There were only seven patient beds so the nurses had 1-2 patients each per shift. Because of that I learned the diseases and the treatment in detail. It was a small team so the atmosphere were enjoyable at the ward and as a student you were very acceptable.
SSKX01 : Somatic nursing, medicine - Clinical education 1
The second placement was at Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset in Huddinge in a medical emergency department. In 3 weeks I learned incredibly much about the medical care in an acute care setting. The nurse who was responsible for the students was kind and cared for the students, so the reception was nice. I had three different supervisors during this period and the clinical supervision was good. I felt more independent and could take own initiatives. All in all I got an deeper understanding in the medical care of the patients.
1EE055 : Somatic Nursing
My first placement was at Astrid Lindgrens Barnsjukhus in Huddinge. I spent 6 weeks in an emergency and general ward for children between 0-18 years old. The very friendly approach from the nursing staff and patients made me feel motivated and positive to the work. The patient group was totally new to me so I learned something new every day! I met many children with different diagnoses so the quality of this internship was excellent.The supervision at the ward was really good too. I only had one supervisor during this period so she could follow my progress to the end.


Overall I am so grateful and pleased to have done my exchange at KI! 
I have received important knowledge as a nurse and a picture of how Swedish care system works. 
I would definitely recommend KI to other students.

Language and Culture

My native language is Swedish, so I didn't participate in any Swedish language courses.

Studies in general

I just had my 11 weeks long practice in KI, so didn't attend any lectures or other courses. 
But in general I got the impression that the relationship between student/teacher is very close. 
I didn't see many differences between my home university and KI.