Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Universidad del Rosario
Study programme: Public Health Sciences (Master's)
Exchange programme: Linnaeus-Palme
Semester: Autumn semester 2016/2017
Name: Liliana Correa
Email address:

Arrival and registration

I arrived 1 month after the course was begin, because my program was only 12 weeks, so, I lost the introduction day, but the international coordinator, kindly give us a fantastic introduction, a short tour, and I son discovered all the places I shold knew.
In the international office they were very clear about everything, about the grant, and my responsabilities and I really appreciate all the ways KI makes the comunication with the students: mail, ping-pong, etc 


I didn´t use KI housing as  accomodation because I traveled with my 2 daugthers, so we rented a room in an apartment of a friend to be confortable with my children.

Leisure time and social activities

I could not participate of social activities because I had to come back to home with my daugthers. but i made some Friends in the program, I have only one swedish friend, most of my new Friends in the master program were from other countries.

I loved Sweden in autumm but I was very worried about people personality in Winter, I think that  depression is very frecquent and that the snow make people feel blue, and I can not understand why, if Swedish people have everything to be happy: health, safety, education , the most perfect transportation system, organization, punctuality, opportunities .....

Exchange programs must include more Swedish people tráveling to low income settings to see the difference and be thankful with things they have.  Too much Independence can make people lonely.

I would really loved that my daugther could studied during this 3 months in any school of Stockholm but it was not posible because they did not have the personal number, they had to studied in home virtually.


I am Medical Doctor and I am specialist in Intensive care medicine and critical care and also I am specialist in OB/GYN, actually I work as Intensivist in a polivalent ICU in Bogotá, Colombia.
I am currently studying a master in Public Health in Rosario University in my Country and I I was benefited with the scholarship of the Linneaus-Palme Exchange program,  The I  was able to spend 3 months in KI as an exchange student of the Master in Global Health at KI.
I was extremely happy and glad of this benefit because I have alwalys know the importance of KI in the world, It was an opportunity that I could not forgive.
The Exchange information given by KI was perfect, complete and clear, at the beggining in my university the documents and processes were new but at the end , everything was fine. I had problems with the visa, because the process was too slow , and I couldn´t travel with the student visa, I had to arrive as tourist for only 90 days.

Courses during the exchange period

3GB001 : GH-Research Methodology
Excellent methodology, excellent teachers, very clear to explain topics that are difficults and now I really like maths and statistics. I think the course is too long, I sugest only 4 weeks could be better.
3GB014 : GH-Health Policy, Management and Economics
I think that this course is very important for the actual situation in the world, it was complete, and good but I thing that the time is short fot this important topic in Public and Global Health. The exam was very practical, I really enjoyed it.
3GB016 : GH-Infectious Diseases - a challenge to global health: Clinical, social and preventive aspects (GH)
This was the best of all, I think that is very complete, appropiate, the topics included are fundamental in every profession and useful for differents backgrounds.


All my exchange program was perfect, the courses, the tools for the students , the information that I learned.... I am very glad with this oportunity, I really appreciate my time at KI.

For my background it was fantastic because I use to be very worried and concern about the life of every patient in the ICU but, this experience in KI is like an open window to all the world. I work as intensivist in Colombia but my first background was OB/GYN and one of the fields that join this 2 themes is the critical care obstetric setting. But for everyone of my studies KI gave to me a different point of view.

As Intensivist I learned a lot about antibiotic resistence that in my practical field is very important, I have returned to my job in the ICU and I see my patients with another point of view, and I will be more accurated and accountable with the prescription of broad spectrum antibiotics, take cultures and desecalation of antibiotics. (and I promised never figth against the infectologist...)

As OB/GYN specialist and student of Public Health, the maternal mortality is a challenge and one of my favorite topics in the world, I want to use every knowledge adquired in KI to improve the maternal health in my country.

And my other big conclusión and one of the most bigger issues lacking in latinamerica :  is the importance of the Research.

Thank you KI, for this amazing experience. Thanks to sweden to let me know a complete different way of do the things.

Language and Culture

No, I didn´t participate

Studies in general

It is very different, I was surprised about the freedom of the students in the Swedish study environment, they can share opinións about the teachers and the educational system is more flexible. I agree with a lot of things but I think that sometimes it is hard for the teachers because students have too much power and sometimes they are unfair with the professors.
In the master that I am studying right now the system is very similar, but when I studied medicine and Intensive care  the system was paternalist, hard, and extremelly exigent.
I think that sometimes are students that take advantage of the freedom in KI, and then they misses clases and only go to mandatory activities and they are very rude with the opinions about the teachers and critize good teachers that are a Little more exigent.
But Globally I really understand why KI is so important, and why it is one of the most important universities in the World, KI is centered in the research,the creation of new knowledge, and the great quality.
The exams are fair and the methodology of evaluation is fantastic.