All my exchange program was perfect, the courses, the tools for the students , the information that I learned.... I am very glad with this oportunity, I really appreciate my time at KI.
For my background it was fantastic because I use to be very worried and concern about the life of every patient in the ICU but, this experience in KI is like an open window to all the world. I work as intensivist in Colombia but my first background was OB/GYN and one of the fields that join this 2 themes is the critical care obstetric setting. But for everyone of my studies KI gave to me a different point of view.
As Intensivist I learned a lot about antibiotic resistence that in my practical field is very important, I have returned to my job in the ICU and I see my patients with another point of view, and I will be more accurated and accountable with the prescription of broad spectrum antibiotics, take cultures and desecalation of antibiotics. (and I promised never figth against the infectologist...)
As OB/GYN specialist and student of Public Health, the maternal mortality is a challenge and one of my favorite topics in the world, I want to use every knowledge adquired in KI to improve the maternal health in my country.
And my other big conclusión and one of the most bigger issues lacking in latinamerica : is the importance of the Research.
Thank you KI, for this amazing experience. Thanks to sweden to let me know a complete different way of do the things.