Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: La Trobe University
Study programme: Midwifery
Exchange programme: INK
Semester: Autumn semester 2016/2017

Arrival and registration

Arrival arrangements were excellent, we were well taken care of. On our first day at the university we were accompanied to the health centre for MRSA checks, it all went very smoothly.
Aucland Street, St Kilda


I applied for housing through the UAC, and was given very good student accomodation for an excellent price in Sodermalm. Considering the cost of housing in Stockholm, I was very happy with the location, condition and cost of the student accomodation. It was also wonderful to meet other students at KI through the accomodation.
Luna Park

Leisure time and social activities

I did not participate in any organised social activities, but I made Swedish friends through the clinical placement, and friends through the student accomodation.
Våran granne Bob :)


I chose to go on exchange to Sweden because of it's excellent reputation for midwifery practices. My home university did not offer much assistance in securing housing, but the KI housing website helped me to find excellent student accomodation.
Yarra River, Melbourne

Courses during the exchange period

2EE011x : Clinical rotation within Midwifery
The teaching and supervision of this course was fantastic. The only criticism I would offer was that it took 2 or so weeks for the midwives to trust that conducting everything in english would be satisfactory for the women we cared for, so at first I felt very limited in what I could practice and learn. Once they realised women were happy with english, things progressed much faster and I could work within my full scope.
Utbytesstudenter på utflykt


My exchange was an incredible experience of new skills, culture and environment. I had an incredible time.
Yarra Vally

Language and Culture

I did not participate in a Swedish language course.
Great Ocean Road

Studies in general

I was on exchange to conduct clinical education only. The clinical educator was exceptional in looking after myself and my colleague. At times it was difficult to ensure that I would consolidate all of the skills I needed to, as practices are somewhat different in Sweden than Australia - specifically the midwife newborn check, and method of infant blood sampling. However I was eventually able to consolidate my requirements easily, and the experience of witnessing different practices was invaluable to my work back in Australia.

En skylt från en av skolans toaletter :)