My arrival in Sweden was made easier by a pick-up service, a fellow student at KI gladly welcomed us at the airport and guided us to the accommodation area. Arriving at Karolinska Institute was far much easier than anticipated because of the maps in the exchange student information we were given and also other students directed us . I was greatly impressed with the arrival arrangements.
I participated in various social activities and this was mainly because of the Swedish friends i had made. The access to these activities was readily available. I visited some museums, the Royal Palace, attended the cultural night in Stockholm. I had a great time and made various friends. During these social activities , i met many other student students.
Exchange student programs are a great opportunity to broaden ones knowledge base in academics majorly, however , it is also a opportunity to experience and know different social,cultural aspects of other countries. Exchange programs are also a perfect way of forming partnerships for other future opportunities in work and research. I chose KI because it is one of the best institutions among the many i had to choose from. I received a lot of information from KI and my home university and this has thus far been helpful as regards my exchange studies. I was required to do the MRSA screening that i did before travelling to KI, no other certificate was required.
LÄK100 : Plastic surgery
This was my initial scheduled clinical rotation ,however, the rotation was postponed and i eventually did a rotation in internal medicine.
ELA005 : Internal Medicine 1
I did a clinical rotation in Internal medicine at Sodersjukhuset hospital. The schedule was sent to me by the education coordinator before my arrival. I rotated on the emergency ward, gastroenterology, cardiology, neurology .I would spend 2-3 on each ward and then switch to another. I was required to attend rounds, participate in procedures and attend seminars. I observed and participated in PCI, echocardiography, cardioversions, central vein catheter placement and arterial blood taking. The course was relevant to my degree as my knowledge in clinical medicine and practice increased. If i knew the Swedish language, i would have interacted more with the patients.
This has been a great experience for me both academically and socially. Though it has been a month only, i have learnt and experienced a lot that i wish share with my colleagues and friends in my home university. I thank all the people at KI and Sodersjukhuset Hospital who have made my stay and experience wonderful. If i knew the Swedish language, my experience would have been better.
Barnfölje vid bergsvandring
I didn't participate in any Swedish language course, however, i learnt a few words and phrases to help me.
It has been an exhilarating experience in my exchange studies. The Swedish study environment is suitable enough for one to excel in their academic goals. My supervisors were very nice, approachable and always willing to teach and guide me. My direct interaction with patients was minimal mainly because i didn't know Swedish. I was able to observe and participate in a variety of procedures rarely done in my home hospital. Seminars had been organized for us in which we met with other exchange students and the tutors and discussed at length. I evidently noticed the differences in Sweden health care system and the one in my home country, to mention a few; the health care system is of very high standards, organized and patient information is stored and shared on computers, the teamwork and discussion of patients before rounds was impressive. I learnt that team work is important for proper patient care.