I enjoyed my courses at KI very much. Because of the small cohort in my courses, I felt I really got to know my teachers and peers, which was a lovely change from the large cohort and varying teachers at my home university. I felt well supported by my teachers and the administrative staff.
The teaching environment in the hospitals was also different. There was barely any sign of the hierarchal structure and medical student intimidation I am used to at home. Instead, everyone was addressed by first name - even senior consultants. I felt welcome and generally received good teaching from the doctors.
I thought there was a good ratio between time on the wards and formal teaching e.g. seminars. I enjoyed time on the ward and found that doctors were very happy to either translate or consistently ask patients if they were happy to speak English. I found I picked up a lot of helpful Swedish vocabulary quickly, too.
Unfortunately the course syllabus was only in Swedish on the KI syllabus library, but I felt quite comfortable with the content and exam expectations by using the English content guide provided and asking my course coordinators for guidance.
Ping Pong, the online course portal, was often very difficult to navigate, but this was being re-designed at the time so it will hopefully be improved for future courses.