Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Kenya Medical Training College
Study programme: Occupational Therapy
Exchange programme: Linnaeus-Palme
Semester: Spring semester 2016/2017
Name: Africa Wambugu
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Arrival arrangements were perfect,I had not arrange for the student pick up service yet my international coordinator(Karen) organised a taxi to come pick me from Arlanda Airport.At Karen 's office a lot of information was given at once,that is what i felt ,every document given had an explanation and we also did  some registration together I felt I was not productive or enough energy levels for all the tasks of the day.I felt like it should have been better if done another day apart from this one but in real sense there was no better day.We even booked for my card day but I could not remember afterwards about it. During the arrival day I could not eat because I was not sure if Karen said it was okay to use the master card as given or I had to activate it first.It was too much to take in for me as much as the information was clear.It was cold outside as well.


The housing arrangement is amazing,my home college should borrow the same,No much struggles in applying or get it which is time saving ,I loved it.I applied online from home and got it however I had to wait for three days to get into the house Karen secured a friendly cost hotel where I stayed until the dates.Everything was at ease.There was no one to tell me how things operate like with taps with which side is cold water or hot water,how to use the laundry machines and book them which is in swedish ,how to use the kitchen appliances which are different from my home ones ,some I learnt the hard way some I learnt from assistance.Only on this one day that the electricity was off and everything was stand still,I could not access the kitchen in the morning to have breakfast or carry my lunch to school(the key is electro-magnetic),the water on the shower was cold and  i had to find the stairs which were too dark to use. Atleast KI housing should have a plan b  on the keys when power is gone. Basically everything was perfect.
Här bodde vi!

Leisure time and social activities

One specific teacher Susanne would often mention of places to hang out and my supervisor Eva Lena as well.I participated in social events as much as I could,the Swedish hockey team victory against Britain,Zara Larson music concert ,Stockholm cultural night the cow releasing event ,just to mention a few.With friends from other countries we could organize social activities together as cooking together, baberques ,walks,even eating the sulstroming (the rotten fish) and a dip in the cold lake with my supervisor just to mention a few.I had two Swedish friends one was in my class and the other we met in my placement area,we also did a lot of travels with the ship to different cities in Europe.
Wildcats football game


I chose to participate in an exchange as I saw it as an umbrella of opportunities to achieve lots of things at once,travel being among my hobbies,conquering the unknown that is new different cultures ,new friendships,new knowledge ,I did not know what really to expect .KI was the only option for me and my course is lucky to be the only one having the exchange program in the school,I had several different encounters with KI before with exchange students and teachers from Ki and from their talks and interaction I felt I knew a little bit about KI that most important it was research orientated which made me feel scared or intimated since I only knew little about research.However it  felt home to choose KI. 
The information given about KI from both institutions was clear and brief on what to expect,I would say it was done best because somehow one has to self experience it  to get a clear picture.From my home college I got enough preparation as what to expect ,the weather ,how to behave in a different cultural setting from mine what to carry,and to be ready to work hard.From my international coordinator all was well,she tirelessly directed and assisted even beyond what she could have done and she always manged crisis in time despite the distance,I had issues while getting my visa she called from Sweden for the rectifications and what needs to be done .I was not expected to be vaccinated before coming to the exchange which was the  opposite of my expectation,when most people go abroad they are vaccinated,the only certificates I carried were my travel documents.The whole pre departure  preparation was necessary and important but at times it would be tiresome especially for me being in a place where internet connection is a problem and the only mode of communication was via emails that had to be responded to in time and follow of protocols.It was worth it.

Courses during the exchange period

AT1X01 : Community and Home Based Rehabilitation - Cultural Perspectives
Was good and especially relevant to me because I come from a communal country,among our assignments was writing a CBHR program that is relevant to our home country this gave me an insight that it is possible to be done.I have better skills and understanding as in had done CBRH before in my course back at home,the international exposure was very important and learning how CBRH is different from different teachers was an experience .i think it is important for the course to go on especially to the communal iving countries,I also liked the examination ,it is not a paper like back at home,here one had to prepare and present their exam and defend it which made it not look like an examination,less panic and tension which gives you a clear picture of what you have to offer and understanding as well.
1EE083 : Clinical rotation for exchange students - Occupational Therapy
Clinical rotations was also an experience to me,especially at the nursing home with Eva Lena ,it was a new thing to me,In Kenya we barely have nursing homes and most important see how OTs work in a nursing home.I had much exposure to technical aids some new to me and others of better version.Although language was a barrier in communication with clients I could still learn by observations.
EAR004 : Analyses of literature from an occupational perspective
This was the most challenging part for me,it was totally new I came to Sweden when I had just started to learn how to write a research proposal back in my college .With the help of my teacher and my classmates I manged to get it this is among the things am proud of from Stockholm,thank you Susanne,I not yet perfect but I am better.I wrote it the first time and it was detailed at all,later we had a discussion with my teachers from back home who had attended the exchange as well and also Susanne recomended I read my classmates work which gave me insight and it was good guidance.
Så här bedrevs majoriteten av studierna, på en uteservering med laptop och iskaffe.


Personally,my stay in Stockholm and the period  is something never to forget ,it made me a better person,more independent in decision making ,self confidence is higher i got more skills and knowledge this I desire to impact to others.God bless you 
Utsikten från en klippa på Mount Lemmon

Language and Culture

No I did not attend any Swedish  language classes.They were out in the time that was most inconveinent for me.

Studies in general

Studies at KI were one of a kind.different from my home college,in KI the student is the custodian of the knowledge which is very good.there is no stress n the student ,the start hours are good and enough time is given to fill in assignments.teachers are always available for the student.the relationship between the student and teachers is much of casual and open that is very comfortable and there is no fear,i could see students eat in class which I cant even dare dream to do.In KI both practical and theory work is more of scientific evidence and reasoning which I was not used to.Also the study visits was a good way of learning.We had a debate in class as a way to better understand the CBHR course and I liked it  .A lot of group work was done this has made me a better person and i have a very strong perception about group works not like before.The very many breaks between the lessons were knew to me,at home we have two hour lessons non break,unlike in KI 45 minutes break.I learnt to be time conscious in my studies in terms of assignment submission in time,more confident while making presentations in class , positive esteem to believe in myself ,good relations with others how to listen to others and it made me a better english speaker.