I was really impressed with the arrival arrangement and introduction day. It was the day where i began to make my new friends and even got to know a few classmates from my studies. Food and refreshment were provided and we were also introduced to swedish culture and food through the introduction day which was really exciting and eye-opening for the first day. This made me even more excited for the days in KI to come.
Badge, busskort och sökare.
I applied my accommodation through KI housing and i am able to get the accommodation of my choice. KI provided several choices. Although some were abit further from the main campus, however it is much easier than finding an accommodation on our own. The accommodation was spacious enough for me and it is really close to t-bana and KI hence the convenience.
I did not take part in much social activities however, i had lots of fun hanging out with my classmates who came from all over the world. I got to know a swedish friend who introduced us to her culture and brought us along. It was indeed a fun time thinking back.
I decided to go for an exchange to experience something different and hope to learn and adopt the different learning style apart from what i am exposed to in my home university. I wanted to take this chance to get to know more people as well as the culture that they have. I have heard alot from my seniors who had been to KI in the past and all of them recommended me to go KI. With the information given by my home university and KI, it made me want to go for exchange even more. KI admission was really easy as in biomedicine studies, vaccination and certificates are not required at all.
På uppdrag med Liver Team
BIOX07 : BACH - Neuroscience
It was one of the courses that i was really looking forward to. The interactive lab session was really useful in helping us understand the brain autonomy.
BIOX09 : BACH - Pharmacology and Toxicology
The most memorable ones are the group work and seminar sessions which made us research and understand more on our own.
BIOX08 : BACH - Tissue Biology
Tissue biology was an intense course of only 2 weeks however, i was able to observe human sections and identify them which i was unable to do in my home university.
BIOX10 : BACH - Biostatistics
What made this course really special is our teacher, Mr Paolo, who made the class fun and interactive making everyone in the class looking forward for his class and lab sessions everyday. This course is a very practical course which is useful to all aspects of science regardless of what field we are in.
Kirurgkonferenserna var frukostmöten.
I really enjoyed myself during these exchange period at KI. Initially i was afraid what these 6 months will be however, the friends i made, made my experience a really great one. Everyone was friendly and helpful guiding me and other exchange students whenever we need help in. I do not regret coming on exchange to experience something new. I am glad that i had the opportunity to go for an exchange at KI.
As compared to my studies back in my home university, KI provides a very conducive environment for students to learn. It is a small class of around 50 students making it easy to know friends as well. Unlike in my home university, studying in KI only requires student to take one module at a time. This is much better for learning as we are able to go in depth and put our main focus onto that topic which is much more efficient for learning. The teachers also encourage questions and interactions with them during classes which helps to enhance our learning. This is very different from my home university as the cohort consist of over 200 students making interactions in class a difficult task. Some teachers were really passionate and puts in alot of effort into teaching which helped me alot through the courses.