Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Zürich University of Applied Sciences
Study programme: Occupational Therapy
Exchange programme: INK
Semester: Spring semester 2016/2017

Arrival and registration

I arrived later than all other students. I didn’t have this special information. Just a short meeting with the coordinator. But this one was very helpful. But I was very happy to have other friends there which helped me with other questions.

Makere Guesthouse


I lived in an old hospital in Varberg. It was very easy to get a nice accommodation. Ki housing is very good organised. I could choose my six priorities accommodations and I get my first priority. I get very early informed about my room number, where to find the key by arriving, wlan code and they also organised me a Swedish phone card. There I met a lot of students from all over the world two and with some I could explore Stockholm and surrounding together.

The Edge House

Leisure time and social activities

I didn’t really get information about special activities during my semester in Stockholm. I didn’t meet new Swedish friends. We had only one Swedish guy which participated in our course. It would be very nice to have more Swedish students in this course. I meet some new persons, when I went out. I had very interesting conversations with them, and they were very interested and friendly, but it was difficult to get a longer staying contact with them.


I choosed a exchange semester in Karolinska Instituted, because I heard about the advanced studies and knowledge in therapy occupations in the northern countries.

Our home university choosed the courses for us. I get informed which courses I will participate, but I had no idea what would be discussed. To get vaccinated from my university I had to write a motivation letter.

Ellas packningsförberedelser.

Courses during the exchange period

1EE083 : Clinical rotation for exchange students - Occupational Therapy
From the 17.4.17 to the 1.6.17 I participated in a seven week course at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm.
EAR004 : Analyses of literature from an occupational perspective
In the beginning of my exchange studies I wrote a literature analysis.
AT1X01 : Community and Home Based Rehabilitation - Cultural Perspectives
In the following five weeks I participated in the international week and in the four weeks course "community and homebased rehabilitation“. The international week was the introduction for the next weeks. Therefore students from other countries and professions participated. The partaking countries were India, Africa, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, United States and Switzerland. We were physiotherapy, psychology, speech-language pathologist and occupational therapy students. I got an impression about community and home based projects in other countries and I learned a lot about the other cultures. Especially the discussion with students from India and Africa gave me a broader view about other cultures. In comparison to the other students i didn’t absolve my internship in Stockholm. I completed in Bolivia. All the impressions I gain there I could connect with this seven week course and it helped me a lot to understand the view from other countries and cultures. For me this course gave me a lot to think about and I could take a lot of ideas for my future as an occupational therapist. I’m very thankful I got this chance.


Already in 2011 and 2012 I visited Stockholm and felt in love. But this time I could spend more time here and I found new interesting places. There are a lots of nice rituals which the Swedish people do. But the most pleasure I get by doing the Swedish Fika. Since I’m here I drunk a lot more coffee than before and I also couldn’t resist al this nice bakery stuff especially Kanelbullar. This ritual I will miss but I try to take it in my country and I hope I can bake delicious Kanelbullar my own too. But anyway I had a great time in Stockholm. The course was very interesting and I learned a lot. I’m very grateful for this chance and I will come back one day, this for sure.

Language and Culture

Because I arrived so late I couldn’t start the Swedish language course. But afterwards I’d love to. I guess if I could understand or even speak some words in Swedish I would understand more about the Swedish culture and also maybe get more in contact with locals. But I was also too tired to learn a new language because I learnt short time before Spanish for my internship place in Bolivia. Already to speak and write all the time in English was for me sometimes very challenging. I was very happy, that the other students were on the same language level. So I dared me to share my thinkings in the class. But sometimes it was also frustrating, because I couldn’t explain some statements how I want to explain them. But in general this is a very helpful experience, which I can take for my future as a therapist.

Studies in general

I felt the relationship between the teacher and students very warm and friendly. I felt welcome and I could share all my thinkings and ideas. I felt like a part of all. And I had also the impression, that the teachers among themselves have a very friendly and good relationship. About the internship place I can’t say anything. Because I did my internship in Bolivia.