Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Makerere University
Study programme: Medicine
Exchange programme: INK
Semester: Autumn semester 2017/2018
Email address:

Arrival and registration

My colleague and i arrived  in Sweden on the 25th  of August 2017 , the last introduction day of the week. We had been encouraged to arrive earlier before classes start to give us adequate time so as to meet the international and course coordinators who orient you into the program but we still had to finish exams and Project reports back at the home university.

we were picked from the Airport by a taxi organised by the international coordinator, we met her and she oriented us around the KI campus, solna, she gave us the neccesary documents to sign , information required and then arranged Another taxi to take us to  jagargattan 20, Ki housing .


 I applied for accommodation through the University Accommodation Centre and was able to get my first choice. The KI housing sent us information on how to get to our rooms through email and the facilities were good enough. The cost of housing was high.

Though the standard was to my liking: my room was spacious and fully furnished; we shared the kitchen, living-room, shower and washrooms as a floor. This arrangement somehow made us relate with the different students on the floor and promoted a great level of team work. I was required to clean my own room though the shared places on the floor were cleaned regularly by an employee of KI Housing.There was full time efficient WIFI, the neighborhood was quiet and it made my studying swift. Not to forget there was this beautiful lake with a breath taking ambiance nearby that had a lovely shores  and a nice view through my window. i could move out and take a 2-3 km walk alöng its shores to the ERICSON GLOBE , the world´s largest hemispherical building .

Leisure time and social activities

 I was able to take part in many social events organised by the student Community at jagargatan, the international office, global friends and the international commitee of the ki student's union when marking 30 years of Erasmus

With a couple of Exchange students and Swedish students, we were able to visit the Swedish museumsin Djugarden islands, nobel museum  Royal Palace and the old Town of Stockholm, Gamla stan

I was also able to appreciate thousands of tiny islands on thearchipelago across the Baltic sea on  a weekend trip to Riga, the capital city of Latvia, an event organised by students at my housing estate, jagargatan 20

 I was able to make two friends from sweden, very kind and ambitious and open to the prospect of doing their Exchange in ugánda. i also had two friend, one from Germany and the other from Bangladesh, we were tight friends helping out each other in almost most of the aspects of life 


 Had Always wanted to appreciate the difference in our country´s Health care and that of developed countries and learn from them so that future decisions and policies that we future leaders will make are from an informed Point in terms of geo-political, economic and social aspects that impact on the Health care. when the opportunity presented earrly this year to represent makerere University as an Exchange student, i had to choose the best , sustainable Health care system, the Swedish Health care with its presitigious University, karolinska institutet, home of the Nobel prize in physiology and medicine with a worldwide reputation in Medical research and Medical education for over 200 years.

The exchange information was extremely adequate i should say, you only had to visit your email regularly and follow each instruction in detail. A few times information was provided through box mail or verbally. The exchange coordinators both at K.I and Makerere University were eager to help, friendly and easy to approach made things easier for us exchange students

 the study abroad information was very important to calculate costs involved and prepare me on what to expect in due course when I am abroad. Vaccination: I was not required to take particular vaccination but prior to traveling especially if one comes from the tropics it’s a requirement to take yellow fever vaccination. I did take mandatory vaccinations by international standards but then I was required by KI to screen for MRSA on arrival especially that I was to get in touch with patient

Courses during the exchange period

ELAXX6 : Surgery 1
the Clinical rotation in surgery was good and i met my expectations and even learnt things beyond what i had anticipated I was able to take part in emergency calls, surgery and out patient clinics with the aid of supervisors who were Always present and willing to teach me the examination and assesment format was good, Generally all the courses that i attendd in general surgery, orthopedics, urology and anesthesiology and intensive care unit were good and the supervisors offered a Learning experience sutable for us Exchange students. The duration of the course could be increased to atleast 8 weeks to enable exchange students have time to be in other surgical specialities.
2EE044 : Clinical rotation Obstetrics and gynaecology
This was too a good experience with the gynecology and obstetrics department, i was Always given the chance by my supervisors to take part in patient management at both inpatient and out patient wards , operation Theatres. We had weekly seminars that were interesting, well facilitated and focused on common obstetrics and gynecology emergencies, diseases We had afinal assesment with a research Project in any field in the department, it was good and offered me time and opportunity to know more about this new field of research and use of publications in Health I was impressed well with the supervisionof the course since every day you would get a new supervisor offering good Learning Environment and new ideas .


The Exchange program at Karolinska Institutet is a Life-long  experience i will always remain indebted to , it has offered me a greater opportunity to think on a global perspective both in terms of Health care  and Medical education.

Indeed karolinska instituitet, is a global leader in Medical education and research and it would be my greatest achievement if i will one day be able to study my masters or post graduate studies at this greatt institution

Finally i would like to thank the international coordinators both at Karolinska and Makerere University, the European union erasmus+ scholarship and the staff at Sodersjukhuset hospital for making my stay in Stockholm a sucess.

Language and Culture

i was not able to take part in a Swedish language course during my Exchange period

Studies in general

 My study experience  at KI was mind opening and memorable, my mind was opened to the rest of the World in terms of Health technology advancement, stable, all round and equitable Health care in sweden.

the was Mutual understanding and respect between  we students and the teacher-supervisors and the relationship was Always good to the extent that you share coffee and lunch time together as colleagues, something unheard of from my country.

during my Clinical rotations, since i was already far in Medical school, emphasis was more on the Clinical skills and knowledge during my practice since i knew most of the Medical theory but i had to appreciate that most of the information was the same from my home University except for some procedures like robotics and laparoscopy etc that are not done in Uganda.

the biggest difference i noted was having individualized Learning in Clinical education whereby every day, a student is assigned a supervisor or doctor to work with, this maximizes the Learning experience of a student and we occasonlly had seminars which are patient case centered instead of theory .

my Learning experience for the Three months at sodersjukhuset was good, i appreciated the different Clinical conditons and how they are diagnosed and managed and best of all being able to assist in major operations in gynecology, orthopedis, urology and obstetrics. i also learnt and appreciated the anatomy and pathology during  laparoscopy, endoscopy, cystoscopy and other telescopy aided procedures.