My study experience at KI was mind opening and memorable, my mind was opened to the rest of the World in terms of Health technology advancement, stable, all round and equitable Health care in sweden.
the was Mutual understanding and respect between we students and the teacher-supervisors and the relationship was Always good to the extent that you share coffee and lunch time together as colleagues, something unheard of from my country.
during my Clinical rotations, since i was already far in Medical school, emphasis was more on the Clinical skills and knowledge during my practice since i knew most of the Medical theory but i had to appreciate that most of the information was the same from my home University except for some procedures like robotics and laparoscopy etc that are not done in Uganda.
the biggest difference i noted was having individualized Learning in Clinical education whereby every day, a student is assigned a supervisor or doctor to work with, this maximizes the Learning experience of a student and we occasonlly had seminars which are patient case centered instead of theory .
my Learning experience for the Three months at sodersjukhuset was good, i appreciated the different Clinical conditons and how they are diagnosed and managed and best of all being able to assist in major operations in gynecology, orthopedis, urology and obstetrics. i also learnt and appreciated the anatomy and pathology during laparoscopy, endoscopy, cystoscopy and other telescopy aided procedures.