I had a student host waiting for me at the airport - it was so much appreciated as he helped guide me all the way to my student housing in Flemingsberg, which I would not have been able to find easily on my own. The introduction day was smooth, clear, and succinct. The contact with the student health centre was smooth as well.
I applied and got the student housing at Flemminsberg. The housing was amazing. I lived in two bedroom apartment with another student from Spain. All the furnitures were of good quality. I had an incredibly comfortable stay, so thank you very much. It was the best student housing ever, for very affordable cost! However, the only downside about living in this place is the distance to work. I was traveling about 1 hour each way to work every day, and it can get tiring and time consuming.
I spend my free time visiting the landmarks in Stockholm. I was also able to hang out with other international students. I didn't have the chance to join social programs provided for exchange students. I did not make any Swedish friends - very limited opportunity for that as I don't have classes to attend. I was just shadowing physicians.
ELA003 : Ophtalmology 1
Like I mentioned in the previous section, I was doing mostly shadowing at the hospital. I have learned a lot from the experts, and it was great that everyone was welcoming and eager to teach me.
Overall I am very pleased to had been here. I would have wished to get student housing closer to St Erik's Eye Hospital. Maybe in the future the program can try to arrange housing closest to the clinical rotation, so students won't have to travel far. I was traveling about 1 hour each way to work every day, and it can get tiring and time consuming. It was also harder to hang out with other international students because I do not wish to stay too late out. I worried about my safety on daily basis because there are rarely anyone walking around Flemminsberg campus after 6 pm. I often walked alone during the 10 min walk home in the dark. I would have preferred more security measures on the campus.
I did a clinical rotation in ophthalmology at St. Eriks. It was a very welcoming learning environment. Everyone was friendly and eager to talk to me about what they do. The study schedule was well organized, and I was exposed to the breadth of the field. I felt that I have met all my study goals on this rotation.