Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Makerere University
Study programme: Dentistry
Exchange programme: Linnaeus-Palme
Semester: Spring semester 2017/2018
Name: Brenda Nansubuga
Email address:

Arrival and registration

The arrival arrangements were good because we used the K.I pickup service and we were given one student who was very helpful even before we travelled.
He picked us from the airport to our hostel however on arrival, we had lost our luggage. 
We didn't have any bedings with us considering it was snowing with temperatures of - 15 degrees.
We appreciate the international coordinator who worked together with another student and provided us with beddings and a few things to use as we waited for our luggage. The luggage took two weeks to come.
The introduction day at school was really good. We had an introductory meeting where we met the different dental teachers and the Student representative.
The student representative took us to the school health centre where an MRSA test was done and the nurse was really good and patient.


I liked the housing arrangement though I didn't get my first choice that I had chosen, I was given my second choice which was a little expensive but everything in the room was okay.
I applied through the University Accommodation Centre.

Leisure time and social activities

Yes I participated in some social activities. During our first week we had a welcome party where I was able to meet all the different Erasmus students.
The Student representative always informed us of the upcoming social activities that always brought us together as a group.
We also visited the National Museum where we watched a movie that had a 3D screen. I liked it because I had never seen it.
I had a chance to go for sight seeing on a boat around Stockholm. This was really nice.


I chose to go for an exchange because I wanted to have an international  dental exposure and compare the differences from which I will learn.
I chose K.I because it is highly ranked in Sweden and it is the best University in Research.
The Study information given by K.I is really good and informative. I liked the technology in K.I because we don't have that in my home University, this includes how patients are booked and treatment notes done electronically, the different dental armemetaria that we don't have  in Makerere University.
Yes I had to get the yellow fever Vaccine before I travelled.

Courses during the exchange period

ETL002 : Child and Adolescent Dentistry - Odontology
This course was very relevant to my degree because I learnt how to handle paediatric patients, l learnt how to be patient with them and how to do different paediatric dental treatments. The teachers /supervisers were very helpful and I really learnt a lot from them.
ETL001 : Comprehensive Care - with subject specific courses
I had a chance to rotate in different specialities like orthodontics, OSK( facial pain). These specific clinics were very informative, the teachers were very helpful.
2EE075 : Comprehensive Care in Odontology
I learnt the different dental treatments that were offered in the different clinics with the help of the teachers. The teachers were always ready to help


I would like to thank Karolinska institute for the Linnaeus Palmer scholarship that was offered to me in collaboration with Makerere University.
It was a good experience because I have been exposed to European Dentistry especially in Sweden.
And am very hopeful that am taking skills that I learnt back to my home University.

Language and Culture

No I didn't participate in any Swedish language course.

Studies in general

I liked the Swedish Study environment because everything that the student needed was available and easily accessible by a student.
Student and teacher relationship was really good in away that the students are close to their teachers and this allows them to ask all that they need to know from their teachers.
I liked the student patient relationship because it made it easier for me to book my patients in their convenient time and the fact that we had to call our patients, I always checked on my patients which gave me the confidence in my work depending on how my patients were feeling.
I learnt more from the clinical education because we had reflections that were always conducted in English and here every student had to discuss their treatments which was very helpful.
In my home university, we have more of problem based learning than teacher based learning. I guess the lecture based learning that I found in K.I is good in a way that it keeps a student on track, for example you learn what you need.
The technology in K.I is really good and saves time unlike in my home university where we do more of paper work than computers.
I really learnt alot in prosthetics considering we don't have cerec in my home university, l learnt how to use the different dental materials that we don't have at school.
The only problem was that a few of the clinical exposures were in Swedish and it was really complicated for us to understand what the teachers and students were speaking in reflections.