I did not take part in any courses at the university
but conducted my Bachelor Thesis in a lab of the Karolinska Hospital instead.
The Swedish work environment is very open, and everyone was treated equally
regardless of their position in the lab. Therefore, it was easy to take part in
discussions during group meetings, and it created an enjoyable, accessible
atmosphere to work in. The relationship with my supervisor was also very good.
She would let me take the lead in my project, but also answer all my questions
and help me whenever I did not know how to proceed. At my home University the
hierarchy in the work environment is stricter and, that, in my opinion, makes
it sometimes difficult for students to propose their own ideas instead of just
following the lead of their supervisors or the PI. The only thing that was
difficult for me to deal with sometimes was the lack of genuine, direct
feedback (especially negative feedback), but after a while, I understood the
difference of just “good,” and “very good,” etc. in Sweden.