I had a rental studio two stops away from the campus Flemingberg and paid rent 2900kr. I think it is almost impossible to find a nice apartment, located close to Stockholm center, in an affordable prize.
I did make new friends from my class mates, but I didn't participate in any social activities, parties etc. at the campus, except the gym and some yoga and mindfulness classes.
1AR035 : Participation and Environment
This was a theoretical course held in campus Flemingsberg. For me it was the first contact with the local OT students and I liked a lot to working with them. The course included many quest lecturers that gave a nice spice in to it! The only thing I would consider to change is the size of the groups for group work; it can be challenging to write an essay together with six students in one group.
1AR017 : Interprofessional Clinical Education
Highly recommended! This was something we don't have in my home university. You get to work very independently with other professions (doctors, nurses, physical therapist) -students as a team. And any time if you have any problems or questions there is a highly professional supervisors whom to ask from.
EAR002 : Clinical rotation 2 for exchange students - occupational therapy
I had an amazing opportunity to do my Clinical rotation in Danderyd's hospital. I learned so much about rehabilitation! I was also able to visit many different wards and work with several highly professional OT's. My knowledge about occupational therapy grew a lot during this period. I was able to have my own client and use some assessment tools also independently.
The Flemingsberg campus is located in the bran new building and offers impressive studying environment. Supervisors are highly talented professionals that offer diverse learning opportunities with different kind of visits and quest lecturers. My supervisors helped me to develop my professional identity to the whole new level.
En treårig pojke jag tog emot på akuten som svalt 200 shilling och inte ville äta.