Studies at KI were generally inclusive and enjoyable. The environment is very conducive for studies with well organised and equipped study areas,reading spots and beautiful decor for example the children's clinic that was appropriately decorated to suit the young.
The student-teacher relationship was very friendly-on first name basis! The teachers are very positive,encouraging and make sure that every student is well catered for.Most of them especially give the Erasmus students time and offer as much help putting in consideration that they are in a new learning environment with systems in a different language.
The student-patient relationship was satisfactory; some patients were very compliant while others dishonored their appointments.Also, some patients seemed uncomfortable with English speaking students treating them while others were interested in finding out about our culture in relation to theirs.
The theory sessions were very insightful and give very good background to patient approach clinically.I especially enjoyed the orthodontic theory sessions which were handled in English( unfortunately most of the rest were done in Swedish).Well researched and illustrated power-point presentations intermixed with discussions,questions and the teacher made sure that every student was actively involved and understood clearly.Next were group tasks that were presented to the class.In another session, a historical video was played to lay background to what we have today.
I also appreciated the pre and post clinic reflections; every student managed to learn from another student who had an interesting case because it was discussed there and then because challenges were remarked upon and solutions or alternative ways of approach were offered.Both were handled with a lot of passion.
Both KI and my university back home are research oriented so many exchange students are present in both.Most of the general systems for example CEREC for crown fabrication and digital x-rays are present in both only more accessible in KI. The dental materials are all basically similar except later generation materials are used at KI e.g use of capsule glass ionomer strictly and resin modified glass ionomer for pulp capping.
The use of the latest developments in the field was commendable of KI. However some teachers choose to hold discussions in Swedish even when they have Erasmus students present in the clinic, this can be improved.
I learnt to make better and more conservative crown preparation,to give all steps of endodontic treatment more attention such as the access cavities as presented in the textbook as well as the occlusal seal with temporary cements.I also appreciated the use of bitewing and peri-apical x-rays in diagnosis of disease,follow up and evaluation of treatments. I learnt the friendly introduction of children to dental treatment as well as early orthodontic interventions.The consultation of specialists in different fields also made plenty of impression on me as patient care is made a lot much better.