Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Makerere University
Study programme: Dentistry
Exchange programme: Linnaeus-Palme
Semester: Spring semester 2018/2019
Name: Allena Namitala
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Arrival arrangements went smoothly till our KI pickup decided not to show up:she gave us several excuses until we eventually called up a friend to help us out.If she had been honest from the start,we would not have had to endure a lot of inconvenience and cold yet so many options of getting to our destination were available to us.On arrival to the KI housing we were to occupy for our stay,we found clean rooms,very sociable housemates and a lovely view by the lake.
The introduction day was a much better experience as we located the Flemmingsberg campus much easier.Our international coordinator introduced us to the clinic coordinator and international students' leaders who gave us a brief tour of where we would locate whatever we needed for our study period.She also gave us a welcome package full of information on how to get around as well as how to access funds.
Contact with the student health centre was a bit uncomfortable but ended well eventually. Personally I had never undergone the tests they did so it was a good opportunity for me.Thankfully the results were good so I dint have to have any further tests done as informed by the nurse of the repercussion of either result.


Housing arrangements must be quite tough in Stockholm.I applied for housing through the KI housing program which had to be done several months prior and getting a place was not guaranteed either.Luckily I got a spot and I was satisfied with the arrangement since it was close to the campus in Flemmingsberg  as well as Stockholm city central for sight-seeing in the free time. What can be done to improve it is the hygiene especially of the bathroom areas. The standard of housing is quite good and the cost is equally high.

Leisure time and social activities

I attended several dinners,birthday parties, drink-ups,live band shows and clubbing;some were around the KI housing with housemates and different friends.We also went on hop on-hop off buses with friends and a boat cruise advised by friends.
Most of the social activities were with friends and not organised by KI.
We had a whatsapp group for Erasmus students where several social activities were organised and yes they were plenty so I could not attend everyone of them.Information about social activities was got mainly online and they kept getting more and more as the weather became warmer.
I didn't make personal Swedish friends but I had friends of friends and several acquaintances.


The choice to go on exchange was mainly because of my adventurous spirit; I love finding out things beyond my most immediate surroundings. In addition the students and teachers who had experience of studies in different universities had more to offer,wider variety of ways to approach different tasks and I liked that.
We had 2 options of where to go for exchange studies and KI was the better option because it has a much higher ranking in Dentistry- Best dental university in the world! Also there was an opportunity of sponsorship attached to it.
The information provided by KI was quite comprehensive and sufficient for good stay in Sweden.My university back home was good enough too since we have had several years of collaboration with KI. All information from visa application,housing application and how to access the university was given on both sides and it was more than helpful.
No vaccinations were required nor were any certificates requested for.

Courses during the exchange period

ETL002 : Child and Adolescent Dentistry - Odontology
I enjoyed this course the most as there were many differences in the way we handle it back home in comparison with KI. The clinic organisation first of all was different from the adult setting.The clinics were smaller and we worked in pairs whereby before each class a brief description of the patient was given and what was to be done.Suggestions of what to do and probable challenges were handled earlier on.Most of the data was in Swedish though so Erasmus students concentrated on the clinical sessions.It was very insightful and relevant to my degree as I learnt new techniques of approach to treating children in a friendly environment.There were no theory examinations.The teachers were wonderful with good explanations of the different treatment plans.It is unfortunate that children can only be treated in Swedish as per the law but I thank the supervisors for being considerate to the Erasmus students and having the students work in pairs.
ETL001 : Comprehensive Care - with subject specific courses
This course was good too.Some of the specific courses we did included orthodontics and here we got to see certain methods of approach to different orthodontic problems.I saw certain appliances i had not seen before being placed.The discussion sessions were very enlightening and inclusive with wonderful illustrations.The quality was very high and made a lot of meaning to my degree.Supervision was done by very passionate teachers.Generally I loved most of my experience here as well.
2EE075 : Comprehensive Care in Odontology
This was the first point of exposure that started with a pre-clinic session.I improved a lot on my prior skills in this area.The equipment used at KI is present and is taught at my home university but its not as accessible there so I got chance to fully learn and utilize it here.We got to have lab sessions accompanying it as well which was very insightful.No theory exams were given but several tasks had to be completed and signed which was a good way of making sure all of us had learnt.The supervision was adequate.The preparation for the clinic was well done however none of the clients I got made it to the point of working on them in this area in this field.I wish the other Erasmus students with more time have a wider sample of such clients to put these skills to practical use.


My exchange period at KI was memorable.I had a lot of learning to do and improvement in my clinical skills.In addition I had a wonderful social and adventurous experience.

Language and Culture

I attended the intensive weekend Swedish course for 3 weeks.Indeed it was quite intense and full of fun.The teacher was very inclusive and attentive to all students.Some students were quite ahead of the rest but this was rather utilized to assist us the beginners instead of leaving us behind.The lessons also provided a window into the Swedish culture thereby helping us understand some of the activities,festivities and habits of the Swedish people.Much as it was short,it lay very good background to most of the words i would grasp or read around the streets and made life in Stockholm more friendly.
In addition,it was also a good point to meet up and make friends with other students after the classes.We shared our experiences of Sweden,took on other social activities like fikka and sightseeing.
I appreciate KI for having organised this course for its Erasmus students,I found it very good in all aspects.

Studies in general

Studies at KI were generally inclusive and enjoyable. The environment is very conducive for studies with well organised and equipped study areas,reading spots and beautiful decor for example the children's clinic that was appropriately decorated to suit the young.
The student-teacher relationship was very friendly-on first name basis! The teachers are very positive,encouraging and make sure that every student is well catered for.Most of them especially give the Erasmus students time and offer as much help putting in consideration that they are in a new learning environment with systems in a different language.
The student-patient relationship was satisfactory; some patients were very compliant while others dishonored their appointments.Also, some patients seemed uncomfortable with English speaking students treating them while others were interested in finding out about our culture in relation to theirs.
The theory sessions were very insightful and give very good background to patient approach clinically.I especially enjoyed the orthodontic theory sessions which were handled in English( unfortunately most of the rest were done in Swedish).Well researched and illustrated power-point presentations intermixed with discussions,questions and the teacher made sure that every student was actively involved and understood clearly.Next were group tasks that were presented to the class.In another session, a historical video was played to lay background to what we have today.
I also appreciated the pre and post clinic reflections; every student managed to learn from another student who had an interesting case because it was discussed there and then because challenges were remarked upon and solutions or alternative ways of approach were offered.Both were handled with a lot of passion.
Both KI and my university back home are research oriented so many exchange students are present in both.Most of the general systems for example CEREC for crown fabrication and digital x-rays are present in both only more accessible in KI. The dental materials are all basically similar except later generation materials are used at KI e.g use of capsule glass ionomer strictly and resin modified glass ionomer for pulp capping.
The use of the latest developments in the field was commendable of KI. However some teachers choose to hold discussions in Swedish even when they have Erasmus students present in the clinic, this can be improved.
I learnt to make better and more conservative crown preparation,to give all steps of endodontic treatment more attention such as the access cavities as presented in the textbook as well as the occlusal seal with temporary cements.I also appreciated the use of bitewing and peri-apical x-rays in diagnosis of disease,follow up and evaluation of treatments. I learnt the friendly introduction of children to dental treatment as well as early orthodontic interventions.The consultation of specialists in different fields also made plenty of impression on me as patient care is made a lot much better.