Karolisnka Huddinge surgical curriculum is well structured and involves wide spectrum of surgical education.
Introductory crash course was very useful to understand core curriculum and allied subjects also getting to know classmates and teaching faculties
The rotations were spread across various weeks in best possible way with seminars ,lectures and clinical training with also sufficient exposure to be part of surgeries
Training at KTC/CAMST were impressive we could learn surgical skills and hands on procedure the centre is well equipped and have expert trainers
Swedish medical education is well planned and precise
Programmes are designed on value based core curriculum.
Swedish medical students have ample opportunities to learn medicine with good amount of spare time
students enjoy freedom of expression with faculty which allows liberal communication and positive learning attitude in India hierarchy is big deal which stresses students to communicate freely with faculty .
The down side of the programme is significantly insufficient time for comprehensive surgical course including its sub-specialities and primary care , Radiology, Anesthesia
getting well versed with all the subjects in 41/2 months is little difficult .
I have observed lack of references to International textbooks and updates students just read from lecture power points and course books which is definitely questionable when it comes to medical education which is constantly improving in rational understanding reading from international standard reference is quite essential
In India we read from International standard textbooks and reviews which gives deep insight to medical subjects and understand medical conditions better.
When compared to India ,Swedish students patient exposure is less .