Going on exchange studies is a program organized for
fourth year medical students in my home university, however it is not
mandatory. In my case, I took up this opportunity because I wanted to have an
experience of medical practice and education in a different society and
appreciate an approach to learning that is different from the one I was used
to.Furthermore, I wanted to broaden my knowledge and skill base, appreciate
other cultures including their values and expand my expand my network of
At first KI took longer than other international
universities to open its admissions for exchange programs for students in my
home university. However, when it did, I chose to apply for it because of the
student friendly and interactive learning environment plus the accommodative
and hospitable society that were highly spoken of about it by fellow students
and my lecturers in various departments that had studied there before. Not
forgetting, KI’s well-known reputation of being among the best universities in
the world offering a wide range of medical education and academic research
greatly contributed to my reasons for choosing it.
Fortunately, the staff of the international office at my
home university, in addition to the international coordinator at KI, greatly
helped with the application process and provided me with all the information
and KI website links with useful information that I needed to successfully fill
out my application, book my travel documents and dates, book my place of
residence and fully acquaint myself with the nature and expectations of study
abroad. I must say that the information provided on these webpages was
well-organized, very elaborate, precise and up-to-date.
In regards to vaccinations and certificates, I was only
required to do the MRSA screening at the KI student health Centre prior to the
commencement of my clinical rotations in the hospitals. This was done in the
first week of my exchange studies.