I contacted the Student´s Coordinator a couple of weeks earlier, she was really nice and kind. I didn´t assist to the introduction day. I was in Sweden a couple of times before so it was reallly easy to me.
I had a special situation because I stayed with my girlfriend during this period, but I could noticed that it was really difficult to get an accomodation in Sweden by your own so a recommend to apply for an accomodation at KI before coming. The cost of accomodations are rather hight compared with other places in Europe and of course compared with latinoamerica but are not the highest in Europe and the quality of the houses is excellent.
This is a very subjective item. I had a wonderful time in Sweden. The main reason was because I had my girlfriend, some familiy and friends there. But I noticed that the social life was not so easy to everyone. If you don´t know anybody in Stockholm I recommend to take the KI accomodations so it`s easier to know people and get friends.
I recieved very nice comments of KI from some students that went there during my bachelor studies at the Medicine School. And also from classmates that went there for an exchange period to complete their master programm in public health. So I had very good references before chosing KI.
No special vaccines were required.
FHEP02 : HEP - Planning and Implementing Health Promoting Community Interventio
This course is very nice. It is very useful in order to get the principles and basic theory to implement health promotion interventions.
FHEP03 : HEP - Settings approach in Health Promotion
This course is developed in order to apply the knowledge of the previos course in a particular setting. This curse is basicaly to work by your own and to put your skills into practice.
2EE007 : MAS - Project in Public Health, 5 weeks
I didn´t have a good experience with this course.
FHEP04 : HEP - Evaluation methods
One of the most useful courses. It provides different perspectives and some practical models to evaluate health promotion interventions. Professor Vedung gives very nice lectures.
Campus Fuenlabrada, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Sweden is a wonderful country for an exchange period abroad. People are very concerned and respectful on different cultures and backgrounds. I really recommend to go to Sweden during summer time because swedish winter can be a really tough situation if you are not used to snow and darkness. Lessons are very nice and schedules are very flexible so you can choose to study and get deep on your own subjects of interest. There are constantly free lectures of excellent Professors as Hans Ronsling for example, that it is possible to attend. The library is quite nice and the web tools are useful.
Stockholm has a very healthy enviroment and the public transportation is rather good and well connected.
To get a good accomodation by your own can be a really difficult task, so I recommend you to let the Karolinska's Student Coordinators support you.
Yes, I participated in a Swedish course. It was really fun to do it, and it is possible to learn a lot if you take it seriously and you study for the lessons. I really recommend this course in order to get a broad perspective of the country and the swedish culture.
My studies at KI were rather good and useful. The relation with teachers and classmates is very relax and fluent. The theory was nice but there is a lack of practical work that can be improved.
Fundación Instituto San José