Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka
Study programme: Midwifery
Exchange programme: INK
Semester: Spring semester 2010/2011
Name: Judith Chipanta
Email address:

Arrival and registration


I had a warm welcome at Arlanda Airport after 16 hours flight from the Global friend and the midwifery student who hard visited Zambia in 2010. This warm welcome gave me a good start especially that this was my first international travel, subjecting me to different language and cultures.


On Monday, 14th March 2011, went to KI where I was again given a warm welcome by the lecturers. The team at KI on this day went ahead to pay us an upkeep allowance, assisted in opening an account and acquiring some travel cards for our mobility during the time of our exchange visit.


On Tuesday, 15th March 2011, we had a meeting with our International Coordinator. This meeting was basically to orient us on all aspects of life in Sweden, she provided us with some important tools such as maps, pamphlets and the library cards.  


The pre arrangements for accommodation at the University Accommodation Center were done by the international coordinator and this worked as planned. I would like to thank the university accommodation center for making all the necessary arrangement to accommodate me. Even before I arrived in Sweden I was pretty sure of my room number and the password to use. I kept my room clean, also the kitchen, laundry and the shower room,through out my stay at Jargargatan 20.


Leisure time and social activities

I was invited to witness the fire lighting ceremony at Axlseberg, which signifies the coming of summer and chasing away winter. I enjoyed listening to traditional songs which they sing to welcome summer. This occasion was very interesting also because I was able to see children wearing fun clothes, with painted bodies which is believed as to be a means to scare the witches.


In my free time I was also able to visit a grave yard and saw graves which are believed to be 1800 years old. I also saw a family grave yard.


My interaction with global friends was very good. We even managed to go on a cruise to Finland, which was such a memorable event.



I was selected to come for the exchange visit because I emerged as the best student during the first part of midwifery training at University Teaching Hospital in Zambia. My school chooses Karalinska Institute because it has a well established relationship which provides for exchange midwifery training.


I was very excited to be accorded this opportunity to participate in this exchange programme because it would make me reach Europe for the first time and be exposed to advanced technologies applied in management of the health care system and provision of care for maternal and child health services.


During the preparatory stages of this trip to Sweden, I was most of the time in touch with the International Coordinator- Magdalena Plamqvist via emails. Ms Palmgvist was very helpful in providing quality information about Sweden and what would be required for me to have a smooth transit up to this host country. Equally my lecturers at UTH were handy in provision of additional information about required documents in international travel such as the VISA and vaccination certificates.


Courses during the exchange period

2XX001 : Sexual and reproductive health in a global perspective
sexual and reproductive health in a global perspective started on the 2nd of May 2011and we looked at it in different areas such safe motherhood,millennium goals,maternal mortality and morbidity,reproductive rights,cultural perspectives of sexual and reproductive health female genital mutilation and its effect on labour domestic violence Sexually Transmitted Infections,child's rights Swedish government policy on reproductive rights,role of a midwife,unsafe abortion,childlessness,emergency contraceptives,sexual health among adolescent, female sexuality,ethical childbirth in England.we finished the session on 31st may,2011.This was crowned with the following presentation which i did:Maternal Mortality still high in Sub Saharan Africa amongst nomadic communities because of the three delays. 1.Failure to recognize danger signs early and seek medical care. 2. Delay in reaching the health facility due to poor road infrastructure and long distance. 3. Delay in receiving appropriate care in emergency obstetric care due to lack of skilled personal and inadequate equipment.
2EE089 : Antenatal care including fertility control, delivery, neonatal and postnatal care, theory and clinical education
During my clinical rotation for seven weeks i managed to work in different departments at danderyd and lidingo hospital which gave me a wide knowledge and experience on antenatal clinic,delivery ward,neonatal and postnatal ward respectively. I have learnt that good staffing can really motive working moral as you are working to your expectations and standard,this even makes response to an emergency in delivery ward was excellent i wish my country would reach that stage.Computerized net work system makes work easier as most of the things done on the patients is recorded. Consultations,referrals, appointments,prescriptions are via computer so it is easy to plan,prepare for patients who are coming for delivery if you don't have empty bed then you refer to another hospital. Participation and involvement of the partners during delivery can really reduce tension,anxiety and it hasten delivery in women.


I would like to say that the experience was very enriching and memorable and it will indeed go along way in my career as a midwife. Whatever I have learnt will be shared with my colleagues in my home country and I will try my best to start advocating for these modern techniques and technologies in the health care system. I am also challenged with what I saw especially on the aspect of engendered health care system where a lot of lecturers are women who have reached a level of professorship.

Language and Culture

Language was a big barrier as most of the patients preferred Swedish language and very few were willing to switch on to English.I did not participate in Swedish language but managed to learn from friends a few words.

Studies in general


The environment at KI is very conducive for learning purpose not only to the local students but to even international students. The lecturers were very friendly and helpful at all the times; they are also highly experienced in aspects of maternal child health. This was very critical because it made learning very enjoyable because they were able to relate theory and practice.


My supervisors and lecturers were very friendly. I am highly indebted to my supervisor at Danderyd and Lidigo, who helped me have a smooth transition during my hospital attachments. Their teaching skills were excellent through out despite my language challenge with the patients who were fond of using the Swedish language.  


The similarities between KI and UTH are;

  1. Provide lecture and student participation
  2. Have guest expert lectures in different fields to offer sessions.
  3. Timing for sessions is the same(08:00hrs to 16:00hrs)
  4. Practical and theory compatibility.



  1. hospitals are technologically advanced
  2. Partners accompany their spouses during labour or C-section.
  3. Its highly an engendered society.
  4. Hospitals have few patients, meaning patient nurse ratio is very good because the nurse has all the time on a given patient.