Exchange report - incoming teachers
Home university: Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences
Study programme: Physiotherapy
Exchange programme: Linnaeus-Palme
Semester: Spring semester 2013/2014
Duration: 21
Name: Subhash Khatri
Email address:


Accommodation was arranged by KI housing it was good but I had trouble in getting the key for my apartment from the digital key box that wasn't working. I got the hotel accommodation for that night (arrival day) probably arranged by KI. I had lot of exertion due to travel and probably didn't expect this!

Language and Culture

The teaching was conducted in English. However,  I learned that Physiotherapy has been taught in Swedish. I could not believe that this is possible in one of the world ranked university like KI. I couldn't imagine how much efforts must have been taken by Swedish Physiotherapy faculty members to make the information in Swedish to their students.  Swedish culture was more of free in nature and probably for the first time, I understood what is weekend culture in Europe. 
Language was big barrier, every where information was in Swedish say for instance you go to withdraw money from ATM and you see information in Swedish; question here is can't we have English is an option in public places? in my country, first thing you notice with ATM is you can choose your language! metro train information displayed in Swedish, news paper in Swedish, TV channels in Swedish, lift audio output and floors marks written like KV, SV etc at KI housing Jagarattan 20 in Swedish, in short almost everything in Swedish. The question here is, if you expect students and teachers from other countries then why can't we have English as the language option at multiple possible situations. I could understand that everyone can speak English there but then could see some of the beds vacant at few hospitals that I visited and when inquired, I came to know that there is lack of Nurses and Nurses who doesn't know Swedish are not hired.
Surprisingly, research publications by faculty are in English! obvious question is when you wish to compute with other universities in the world why to retain the language as the barrier!   

Leisure time

Some of the faculty members from Physiotherapy division invited me to their houses for the dinner. I could find hop on and off the bus to see Stockholm!


I guess me and my colleague could continue further to establish a professional relationship through the Linnaeus Palme Programme with students and teachers of Pravara and Karolinska.

Other activities

I could visit Spinalis rehabilitation center, geriatric home and Soderjsukhset hospital. In future, collaboration should involve more interaction with Physiotherapy students and faculty instead of Occupational Therapy and CHBR students. 


I got the communication from my university and International coordinator from KI about my selection for the teacher exchange. I could prepare myself for the visit with required teaching material and got the useful information that was provided as  links to useful websites by the International Coordinator from KI.


 I found the experience of being in Sweden, interacting with colleagues, students and others over the period of 21 days, stimulating and enriching. The collegiality of colleagues is particularly valued. I enjoyed the experience of being exposed to a different culture on many levels, and was particularly appreciative of the hospitality extended by Swedish colleagues’ who invited us to their homes for dinner. 

 I can think of seminars on world health or health care in different countries for our students. I got an idea for Lunch seminars and group examination. the technology was good, infrastructure was probably the best and working hours flexibility and funding for faculty was probably great. The less good was Swedish as preferred Language, short clinical placements and lack of everyday rehabilitation or Physiotherapy treatment for patients.


I had an opportunity to teach CHBR course students. I felt that the teaching by other faculties was monotonous compared to our university. Teacher student relationship was more friendly at KI and at our university it is more of respect to teachers addressing teachers as Sir & Madam. I could see the group examination with little role for teacher. In my university, it is more like one is to one and students are scared of examination. Lunch seminar was the new concept for me that I could witness at Physiotherapy division.  

Teaching hours

I got almost five hours of teaching over the period of 21 days. Ten hours of supervising clinical work at Physiotherapy KI and other places.
I could attend 2 seminars for two hours and one meeting with selected Physiotherapy teachers for further LP planning for one hour.